
Association of Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia and Myeloma with Fibrillar Inclusions in Granulocytes / 骨髄腫を伴い顆粒球内に線維状封入体を認めた慢性好中球性白血病
Document Type
Journal Article
臨床血液 / Rinsho Ketsueki. 1995, 36(2):121
cellular inclusion
chronic neutrophilic leukemia
fibrillar structure
multiple myeloma
A 57 year-old-female was incidentally found to have leukocytosis in September 1988. Physical examination revealed anemia and marked hepatosplenomegaly. Her WBC count was 33,400/μl with 95% mature neutrophils showing toxic granules. Her neutrophil alkaline phosphatase score was 482, and serum VB12 14,600 pg/ml. Serum immunoglobulin concentrations were 582 mg/dl for IgG, 3,628 mg/dl for IgA and 48 mg/dl for IgM. IgA was determined as monoclonal orgin of λ type. Bone marrow aspiration revealed a hypercellular marrow with active granulocytopoiesis and increased plasma cells. Cytogenetic study revealed normal karyotype. The bcr rearrangement was negative for bone marrow cells. An electronmicroscopy demonstrated fibrillar inclusions in granulocytes. We diagnosed this case as a chronic neutrophilic leukemia (CNL) associated with multiple myeloma. She was treated with a course of low dose busulfan without beneficial response. She was admitted for development of huge subcutaneus hematoma of left waist in October 1990. Laboratory findings were: Hb 7.0 g/dl, WBC 55,300/μl, Platelets 3.3×104/μl, and IgA 6,607 mg/dl. She required frequent transfusions. She died of pneumonia in July 1991. The peculiar fibrillar inclusions with CNL has not been reported so far. The orign and significance of such structure remains uncertain.