
Standardization of Newly Listed Single Crude Drug Extracts in Non-JP Crude Drug Standards (Non-JPS), 2018 / 局外生規2018に新規収載された単味生薬エキスの確認試験及び定量法の設定について
Document Type
Journal Article
Chihiro TohdaFumiyuki KiuchiHideki OkaHidemi ShiomotoHiroshi SasakiKanako NishikawaKayo NishioKazuhiro MatsumotoKazuya NakagawaKeiichi SudoKen-ichi WakabayashiKenji TakebayashiKikumi TakahashiKiyomi UemuraKumi TsuchiyaMakoto ShiratoriMasafumi ItoMasaki TakaoNahoko UchiyamaNaoko MasumotoNobuo KawaharaOsami TakedaResearch Group for Single Crude Drug Extracts and Working Group for Non-JP Crude Drug Standards 2018Sachiko AkitaSeizo KondoShiori OguriShoji TanabeShuji YamadaTakahiro SasakiTakashi HakamatsukaTakatoshi NakamuraTakayuki NakadaTakuro MaruyamaTaro HiganoTomoiki TamakiToshihiro KammotoToshiki AsanoTsuguo YokokuraYasuo ShimadaYukihiro GodaYutaka Yamamoto中川 和也中村 高敏中田 孝之丸山 卓郎伊藤 雅文佐々木 博佐々木 隆宏内山 奈穂子合田 幸広土屋 久美塩本 秀己増本 直子小栗 志織山本 豊山田 修嗣岡 秀樹嶋田 康男川原 信夫日向 野太郎木内 文之東田 千尋松本 和弘植村 清美横倉 胤夫武田 修己浅野 年紀玉木 智生生薬製剤承認基準原案研究班(単味生薬研究班)及び日本薬局方外生薬規格2018作成ワーキンググループ田辺 章二白鳥 誠神本 敏弘秋田 幸子竹林 憲司若林 健一袴塚 高志西尾 雅世西川 加奈子近藤 誠三須藤 慶一高尾 正樹高橋 喜久美
生薬学雑誌 / Shoyakugaku Zasshi. 2020, 74(1):20
Non-JP Crude Drug Standards (Non-JPS) 2018
identification test
single crude drug extract
In December 2015, the “Application guidance for OTC (non-Kampo) single crude drug extract products” was published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan) for the quality control of crude drugs. To further expand on this guidance, we designed and verified methods for the identification tests and assays of three single crude drug extracts: Epimedium Herb Extract (1), Uncaria Hook Extract (2), and Ginger Extract (3) specified in Non-JP Crude Drug Standards (Non-JPS) 2018. Magnoflorine and icariin were selected as the marker compounds of 1 for the identification test using TLC and the assay using HPLC, respectively, and [6]-gingerol was selected for both tests of 3. The marker compounds of 2 were total alkaloids for the identification test using filter paper and rhynchophylline and hirsutine for the assay using HPLC.