
Comparative Clinical Study of Enoxacin (AT-2266, ENX) and Cefaclor (CCL) for Chronic Respiratory Tract Infections by a Double-Blind Method / 慢性気道感染症に対するEnoxacin (AT-2266) とCefaclorの薬効比較試験成績
Document Type
Journal Article
Akira SAITOAkira WATANABEAtsushi SAITOEiro TUBURAFumiaki TSUKIYAMAFumio MATSUMOTOFumio MIKIFusanosuke YAMASAKUHarumi SHISHIDOHazimu TAKEDAHidekazu HANAKIHideki NISHIYAMAHideo IKEMOTOHideo SASAKIHidetoshi OGUCHIHirofumi FUKUHARAHiroichi TANIMOTOHiroshi OKUBOHiroshi OSHITANIHiroshi SUZUKIHirotada IKEDAHiroyoshi ISHIBASHIHiroyuki KOBAYASHIHoichi NAGATOMIIchiro NAKAYAMAIppei FUJIMORIIzumi HAYASHIJunzaburo KABEJuyn GOTOKaneo SUZUKIKaoru HAMADAKaoru OKADAKaoru OYAMAKaoru SHIMADAKazufuto FUKAYAKazumine KOBARIKazuo TAKEBEKazuyoshi WATANABEKeigo MAEHARAKeiichi NAKAGAWAKeimei MASHIMOKeizo MATSUMOTOKeizo YAMAGUCHIKenji TAKAMATSUKenji TSUCHIHASHIKentaro WATANABEKikuo ONUMAKinichi IZUMIKAWAKiyoshi KONNOKiyoshi SHIMAKohei HARAKohya SHIBAKoichi MATSUMOTOKoichi WATANABEKoichiro NAKATAKotaro OIZUMIKou MUROHASHIKunihiko YOSHIMURAKyoko YAMASHITAMantaro HANYAMasahito KATOMasakazu TAMURAMasako SASAKIMasao NAKATOMIMasao SAIMasaru KOYAMAMasaru NASUMasashi FUJIMURAMasataka KATSUMasatoshi WATANABEMasayoshi SAWAKIMasayuki ANDOMasumi TOMIZAWAMichio YAMAKIDOMichiyasu NAKANISHIMikikazu KUNIMATSUMineharu SUGIMOTOMitsuo OBANAMoritaka SUGAMunetaka KOMORINaohiko CHONABAYASHINaoto RIKITOMINobuki AOKINobuo MAEKAWAOsamu KURIMURAOsamu SEKINERiichiro MIKAMIRinzo SOEJIMASadanobu HIGUCHISeiichi AONUMAShigeki ODAGIRIShin KAWAIShinobu TAKENAKAShiroh IDASumito CHOUTadakazu AISAKATadashi MIYAHARATakashi INAMATSUTakayoshi TASHIROTamotsu KANEKOTamotsu TAKISHIMATatsuo NAKATANITatsuya ABETeruo AOYAGIToshihiko TAKEUCHIToshiya NOMURAToshiyuki OEToshiyuki YAMAMOTOTsutomu NAKAHAMAYasuko UEDAYasutaku SHIBATAYoichiro GOTOYoji SUZUYAMAYoshihito NIKIYoshiji YAMANEYoshio KOBAYASHIYoshiro ARAKIYoshiro SAWAEYoshitaka NAKAMORIYoshiteru SHIGENOYukio KUMAGAIYukishige MIYAZAKIYumiko MURAYAMAYuruko OKAMOTOYuuei IRABU三上 理一郎三木 文雄中富 昌夫中山 一朗中川 圭一中森 祥隆中浜 力中田 紘一郎中西 通泰中谷 龍王二木 芳人井田 士郎今野 淳伊良部 勇栄佐々木 昌子佐々木 英夫前原 敬悟前川 暢夫副島 林造力富 直人加藤 政仁勝 正孝半谷 満太郎原 耕平可部 順三郎吉村 邦彦国松 幹和土橋 賢治大久保 滉大口 秀利大山 馨大沼 菊夫大泉 耕太郎安藤 正幸宍戸 春美室橋 光宇宮原 正宮崎 幸重富沢 磨須美小山 優小張 一峰小林 宏行小林 芳夫小森 宗敬小江 俊行小田切 繁樹小花 光夫山下 京子山作 房之輔山口 恵三山木戸 道郎山本 俊幸山根 至二岡本 緩子岡田 薫岳中 耐夫島田 馨後藤 純後藤 陽一郎志摩 清押谷 浩斎藤 厚斎藤 玲杉本 峯晴村山 由美子松本 光一松本 慶蔵松本 文夫林 泉柴 孝也柴田 安宅栗村 統植田 保子樋口 定信武内 俊彦武田 元武部 和夫永富 鳳一池本 秀雄池田 大忠河合 伸泉川 欣一深谷 一太渡辺 一功渡辺 健太郎渡辺 彰渡辺 正俊渡辺 講一滝島 任澤木 政好澤江 義郎濱田 馨熊谷 幸雄田代 隆良田村 正和相坂 忠一真下 啓明石橋 弘義福原 弘文稲松 孝思管 守隆築山 文昭花木 英和荒木 淑郎蔡 正夫藤村 昌史藤森 一平蝶名林 直彦螺良 英郎西山 秀樹谷本 普一那須 勝重野 芳輝野村 俊也金子 保鈴山 洋司鈴木 周雄鈴木 寛長 澄人関根 理阿部 達也青木 信樹青柳 昭雄青沼 清一高松 健次
感染症学雑誌 / Kansenshogaku Zasshi. 1984, 58(10):1046
Chronic Respiratory Tract Infection
Double-Blind Method
Enoxacin (AT-2266)
The clinical efficacy and safety of Enoxacin (AT-2266, ENX) were compared with those of cefaclor (CCL) in 188 patients with chronic respiratory tract infections (chronic RTI) and those with exacerbated acute infections by a double-blind study at 40 institutions in Japan. Patients over 16 years old with apparent clinical signs and symptoms were administered ENX or CCL orally for 14 days at a daily dose of 3 tablets or capsules (ENX: on tablet contains 200 mg of ENX; CCL: on capsule contains 250 mg of CCL). The parameters assessed were clinical efficacy, bacteriological response, rate of improvement of clinical signs and symptoms, appearance of side effect, abnormal loboratory findings and clinical usefulness.1. Clinical efficacy was analysed statistically 166 patients (88 administered ENX., 78 administered CCL) and 22 patients out of a total of 188 patients were excluded. Side effects were also analysed in 179 patients (ENX: 96, CCL 83) in whom judgement was possible.2. On the basis of committee judgement the overall clinical efficacy rates for all the cases were 56.8% for ENX and 62.8% for CCL, those for chronic RTI were 56.3% for ENX and 62.7% for CCL. No significant difference was observed between the two drug groups.In the evaluation of clinical efficacy by the doctor, the overall efficacy ratesin all the cases were 56.8% for ENX and 55.1% for CCL, those for chronic RTI were 56.3% for ENX and 56.0% for CCL. No significant difference was observed between the two drug groups.3. The bacteriological eradicated rate of causative organisms was 54.2% out of 48 patients treated with ENX and 50.9% out of 60 treated with CCL and there was no significant differences between the two groups. At showed an eradication rate of 18.2% in S. pneumoniae and that of 84.6% in H influenzae, while the corresponding rates for CCL were 71.4% in S. pneumoniae and 63.2% in H.influenzae. The ENX group was superior to the CCL group in the bacteriological response in H influenzae among causative organisms (p<0.10) and the CCL group was superior to the ENX group in S. pneumoniae (p<0.05).4. With respect to the rate of improvement of clinical signs and symptoms the ENX group was superior to the CCL group in the improvement for sputum volume five days after treatment (p<0.05).5. The incidence of side effects was 11.5% for ENX and 2.4% for CCL. The ENX group displayed significantly higher rate of side effects than the CCL group. Abnormal laboratory findings were observed at the rate of 19.7% for ENX and 14.1% for CC1, without significant differences between the two groups.6. Regarding usefulness as judged by committtee members the respective rate for the ENX group and CCL group were 53.3% and 62.8% and usefulnss as judged by the doctor in charge those were 45.7% for ENX and 48.7% for CCL. These assessements showed no significant differences between the two.From the above results it was concluded that ENX is an equal useful drug to CCL for the treatment of chronic RTI caused by gram negative bacteria.