
A clinical evaluation of temafloxacin in otorhinolaryngological infection involoving the otitis media and the otitis externa / 耳鼻咽喉科領域感染症に対するTemafloxacinの臨床評価
Document Type
Journal Article
Akihiro UCHIZONOAkira YOKOTAAtsuko ETOAtsushi SAMEJIMAAtsushi SHINKAWAGinichiro ICHIKAWAGoro MOGIHaruo ITOHideaki TAKAHASHIHideshige KIMURAHideyo ASAIHideyuki UCHIHiroko ISAJIHiromi ITOHiromi YANOHirosato MIYAKEHiroshi TSURUMARUHiroshi WATANABEHumiko IIDAIchiro MORIYAMAJunichiro SHIMADAKatsuhiro HIRAKAWAKeiko NISHIKAWAKen KITAMURAKoichi KITAKoji AJISAKAKoji SERAMakoto SHIRANEMamoru SUZUKIMasahiko EGAWAMasahiro MIZUNOMasakaze NAKATAMasaru OYAMAMasashi WADAMasayoshi OZAKIMasutoshi NISHIKAWAMinoru ISHIDANagahiro SONaoya MIYAMOTONoritsugu KANEDARyo OMURAShigeru KIKUCHIShinjiro ONISHIShinya MATSUNAGAShozo KAWAMURAShuji SATOShunkichi BABASinichiro YAMAMOTOSoichiro NAGATASoiku WATANABETaeko OKUNOTakatsugu ITABASHITakehiro KOBAYASHITamotsu HARADATatsuya OKUZONOTatsuya YAMASOBATetsuhiko INOKUMATetsuya SHIMATetsuyasu HIRATAToru MATSUNAGAToru SEKITANIToshikazu SASAKIYasuhiko TAHARAYasuhiro MIYAZAKIYasuo HARADAYasuya NOMURAYoriko ITOYoshiko OKUZONOYutaka SAKAMOTO三宅 浩郷世良 公志中田 將風伊佐治 広子伊藤 依子伊藤 弘美伊藤 晴夫佐々木 俊一佐藤 修治内 秀之内薗 明裕原田 保原田 康夫和田 昌士喜多村 健坂本 裕大山 勝大西 信治郎奥園 美子奥園 達也奥野 妙子宗 永浩宮崎 康博宮本 直哉小村 良小林 武弘尾崎 正義山岨 達也山本 真一郎島 哲也島田 純一郎市川 銀一郎平川 勝洋平田 哲康新川 敦木村 栄成松永 亨松永 信也板橋 隆嗣森山 一郎横田 明水野 正浩永田 総一郎江川 雅彦江渡 篤子河村 正三浅井 英世渡辺 洋渡辺 荘郁猪熊 哲彦田原 康彦白根 誠矢野 博美石田 稔紀太 康一茂木 五郎菊地 茂西川 恵子西川 益利野村 恭也金田 規嗣鈴木 衛関谷 透飯田 冨美子馬場 駿吉高橋 秀明鮫島 篤史鰺坂 孝二鶴丸 浩士
耳鼻と臨床 / jibi to rinsho. 1994, 40(2):182
Temafloxacin(TMFX) was evaluated for its efficacy, safety, usefulness as well as for its penetration into the otorrhea. Regarding its efficacy as evaluated by the doctor in charge, the efficacy rates were 72.9% in the otitis media, 87.5% in the otitis externa, and 100% for infection of congenital aural fistula. Regarding its efficacy as evaluated by the committee in charge, the efficacy rate was 66.1% in the otitis media. The bacteriological eradication rates were 84.6% for gram-positive bacteria, 66.7% for gram-negative bacteria and 81.1% for all bacteria. Side effects were observed in 2(one had rush, while the other had glossal rough) of 159 cases while abnormal clinical laboratory findings occured in 2(consisting of an increase in GOT and GPT) of 66 cases. The rates of usefulness were 72.0% in the otitis media, 87.5% in the otitis externa, 100% for infection of congenital aural fistula. The concentration of TMFX was 1.29μg/ml in the otorrhea, based on the findings of only one case. From these results, TMFX is thus considered to be useful for otorhinolaryngological infections in the otitis media, and otitis externa as for infection of the congenital aural fistula.