
A Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety between Ramatroban (BAY u 3405) and Terfenadine on Perennial Allergic Rhinitis -A Phase M, Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel Group, Comparative Study- / ラマトロバンの鼻アレルギー臨床第皿相試験-テルフェナジンとの比較-
Document Type
Journal Article
Shunkich Baba三田 奈保子下薗 政己中井 義明中島 光好中本 節夫中村 英生中林 成一郎中野 雄一久保 武久松 建一井之口 昭今野 昭義伊藤 由紀子倉田 響介入船 盛弘内藤 健晴前原 法文前山 忠嗣加我 君孝加藤 太二加藤 晃史加藤 薫北條 郷明原田 保吉田 博一吹上 忠祐国井 博史國友 万由美坂井 真坂井 邦充坂倉 康夫増山 敬祐増田 佐和子夜陣 紘治大塚 博邦大屋 靖彦大山 勝大柿 徹大橋 淑宏大沼 秀行大野 義春天津 睦郎太田 康奥園 美子奥園 達也奥村 耕司宇佐神 篤定永 恭明宮崎 康博寺田 修久小宮山 荘太郎小川 明小松崎 篤小林 武弘小林 良弘山中 敏彰山越 隆行岡本 美孝岡本 英樹岩永 耕一岩田 重信岸本 厚島 哲也島田 均川内 秀之川嵜 良明市村 恵一平川 勝洋平瀬 博之平田 思形浦 昭克後藤 裕一成川 圭太戸川 清新川 敦新納 えり子早野 嘉晃昇 卓夫有馬 忍朝倉 光司木村 利男本庄 巖杉本 太郎杉浦 欣一村上 公輝村上 嘉彦村上 泰村岡 秀樹松岡 浩明松崎 全成松永 喬柘植 勇人柿木 裕史森 直樹森園 徹志森山 一郎森山 寛森満 保横光 智横山 尚樹横田 明橋口 一弘橋本 省池田 勝久池田 雅一沖中 芳彦洲崎 春海浜口 幸吉海野 徳二潮建 司朗田村 学田矢 理子畑山 尚生白鳥 浩二百田 統洋相原 均相川 義智石井 哲夫石塚 鉄男石川 勉石川 障石田 春彦神崎 祐一福島 泰裕稲村 直樹窪田 市世竹中 洋竹内 万彦竹田 和夫肥後 隆三郎臼井 信郎茂木 五郎荻野 敏藤田 信哉藤谷 哲西村 忠郎角田 篤信谷川 博一進 武幹遠藤 朝彦遠藤 里見野中 聡野村 恭也金澤 博俊鈴木 正志鈴村 栄久鍋島 みどり関谷 透阪本 浩一阿部 慶一馬場 廣太郎馬場 駿吉高坂 知節高木 一平高木 伸夫高橋 正紘鵜飼 幸太郎黒崎 貞行黒野 祐一
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 / Practica oto-rhino-laryngologica. Suppl.. 1996, 1996(Supplement87):1
BAY u 3405
comparative clinical study
perennial allergic rhinitis
The efficacy and safety of ramatroban (BAY u 3405), a thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist, was compared against terfenadine, a H1-blocker, in a randomized, double-blind, parallel group study on patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. One hundred and fifty mg/day of ramatroban was given to patients in Group B, and 120 mg/day of terfenadine was given to Group T patients for 4 weeks. A total of two hundred and three cases were enrolled in this study. Eighty-nine cases in Group B and 79 cases in Group T were valid for the efficacy comparison,95 patients in Group B and 89 in Group T were valid for the safety comparison, and 86 cases in Group B and 75 in Group T were valid for the usefulness comparison.In the final overall improvement rate,67.4% of the patients in Group B and 43.0% of those in Group T were evaluated as moderately or markedly improved. This reveals the significant improvement in Group B patients over Group T patients (U-test: p=0.011; Fisher: p=0.002). In the improvement of symptoms, nasal obstruction (U-test: p=0.004; Fisher: p=0.001) and daily discomfort due to nasal symptoms (U-test: p=0.009; Fisher: p=0.007) were significantly improved in Group B as compared to Group T. However, the nasal provocation (house dust) test was better controlled in Group T than in Group B (U-test: p=0.046).Subjective or objective adverse drug reactions were observed in 7 episodes in 5 cases (5.3%) from Group B, and 4 episodes in 3 cases (3.4%) from Group T, with no serious events. Abnormal clinical laboratory findings were noted in 9 tests in 5 cases (3.4%) from Group B and in 8 tests in 6 cases (6.7%) from Group T. In the overall safety comparison, there were no significant differences between the two groups; thus the safety of both drugs was equivalent.Based on these results, it can be concluded that ramatroban was significantly superior to terfenadine, especially in the improvement of nasal obstruction.