
On Wave Action and Phase in the Non-Canonical Hamiltonian Formulation
Document Type
Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1999 Jan 01. 455(1981), 3-21.
Hamiltonian system
Wave action
Adiabatic invariant
WKB solution
Slowly varying wave
Poisson structure
Conservation laws
Coordinate systems
Wave energy
Evolution equations
Mathematical vectors
Lagrangian function
Fluid mechanics
Time dependence
The long time-evolution of disturbances to slowly varying solutions of partial differential equations is subject to the adiabatic invariance of the wave action. Generally, this approximate conservation law is obtained under the assumption that the partial differential equations are derived from a variational principle or have a canonical Hamiltonian structure. Here, the wave action conservation is examined for equations that possess a non-canonical (Poisson) Hamiltonian structure. The linear evolution of disturbances in the form of slowly varying wavetrains is studied using a WKB expansion. The properties of the original Hamiltonian system strongly constrain the linear equations that are derived, and this is shown to lead to the adiabatic invariance of a wave action. The connection between this (approximate) invariance and the (exact) conservation laws of pseudo-energy and pseudo-momentum that exist when the basic solution is exactly time and space independent is discussed. An evolution equation for the slowly varying phase of the wavetrain is also derived and related to Berry's phase.