
Dietary fibre in baby foods of major brands sold in Canada
Document Type
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. Feb, 2006, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p59, 8 p.
Brand name products
Food habits
Baby foods industry
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2005.02.002 Byline: Stephen P.J. Brooks (a), Roger Mongeau (b), Josephine R. Deeks (a), Brian J. Lampi (a), Rene Brassard (a) Keywords: Infant foods; Total dietary fibre; Soluble dietary fibre; Insoluble dietary fibre; Nutrition; Recommendations Abstract: Total dietary fibre (TDF) was measured using the rapid gravimetric method (AOAC 992.16) in 88 infant foods available in the Canadian marketplace. The sampling included 1-8 different lots (depending on availability) and indicated approximately equal TDF values in vegetable products (1.48[+ or -]0.78g/100g, n=13), fruit products (1.23[+ or -]0.83g/100g, n=26) and cereal products (0.78[+ or -]0.35g/100g, n=39) when compared on a "ready-to-eat" basis. Ready-to-eat dinners and meat products had significantly lower TDF content (0.41[+ or -]0.17g/100g, n=13). Individual TDF values ranged from 3g/100g "as is" (junior peas) and 2.9g/100g as is (toddler Bartlett pears) to 0.16g/100g as is (custard plain w/arrowroot, banana and butterscotch) and 0.15g/100g as is (toddler chicken with rice). In some cases, infant foods had higher soluble dietary fibre/insoluble dietary fibre ratios than the published values for similar adult foods suggesting that processing of infant foods has occurred. Calculations using the TDF content of these foods revealed that they may be adequate in preparing infants for dietary patterns that approach recent Institute of Medicine recommendations of 19g/d for infants between 1 and 3 years of age. Author Affiliation: (a) Nutrition Research Division, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada, PL2203C Banting Research Centre, 1 Ross Avenue, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1A 0L2 (b) Nutrition Consultant, Ottawa, Ont., Canada Article History: Received 24 October 2003; Revised 16 August 2004; Accepted 15 February 2005 Article Note: (footnote) [star] Publication #587 of the Bureau of Nutritional Sciences.