
Is ageing a drag on productivity growth? A review article on ageing, health and productivity: the economics of increased life expectancy
Document Type
Academic Journal
International Productivity Monitor. March 22, 2011, Issue 21, p82, 13 p.
This review article discusses the volume Ageing, Health and Productivity: The Economics of Increased Life Expectancy, which provides a detailed examination of the relationship between ageing and productivity. While the authors find some evidence of a negative effect of ageing on productivity, they conclude that at the aggregate level the effect is small. The review argues that this finding provides support for efforts to boost the employment rate of older persons, especially those aged 55-69, both to benefit these persons themselves and to increase tax revenues to cover the rising health and pension costs of the growing senior population. Ce compte rendu critique porte sur l'ouvrage Ageing, Health and Productivity: The Economics The Economics of Increased Life Expectancy, qui examine en detail les relations entre vieillissement de la population et productivite. Les auteurs relevent des elements qui attestent de l'effet negatif du vieillissement sur la productivite, mais concluent en rappelant que ces effets restent globalement limites. Il ressort que leurs constatations appuient les efforts en faveur de l'emploi des personnes agees surtout ceux entre 55 et 69. ces derniers relevent de l'interet des travailleurs meme et gonflent les recettes fiscales qui peuvent alors etre utilisees pour couvrir les couts de la sante et des pensions pour une population grandissante de personnes agees.
TWO STYLIZED FACTS DOMINATE the economic landscape. First, productivity growth in Canada has slowed down since 2000 and is well below that in the United States. Second, the population is [...]