
Viral aetiology influenza like illnesses in Santa Cruz, Bolivia (2010-2012)
Document Type
Academic Journal
Virology Journal. February 24, 2014, Vol. 11
South America
Background Acute respiratory infections represent a serious public health issue worldwide but virological aetiologies of Influenza Like Illnesses (ILIs) remain largely unknown in developing countries. This study represents the first attempt to characterise viral aetiologies of ILIs in Bolivia. Methods It was performed in Santa Cruz city from January 2010 to September 2012, based on 564 naso-pharyngeal swabs collected in a National Reference Laboratory and real-time PCR techniques, viral cultures and phylogenetic analyses. Results 50.2% of samples were positive for at least one virus with influenza viruses (Flu A: ~15%; Flu B: ~9%), rhinoviruses (~8%), coronaviruses (~5%) and hRSV (~4%) being the most frequently identified. The pattern of viral infections varied according to age groups. The elucidation rate was the highest (>60%) amongst patients under 10 yo and the lowest ( Conclusion Our results emphasise the requirement for a reinforced epidemiological and genetic follow-up of influenza and other ILIs in Bolivia to further inform the preparation of vaccines used in the region, guide vaccination campaigns and improve the medical management of patients. Keywords: Epidemiology, Influenza like illness, Bolivia, South America, Influenza A(H1N1)pdm2009, Influenza phylogeny, Respiratory infections
Author(s): Julie Delangue[sup.1] , Yelin Roca Sanchez[sup.2] , Gñraldine Piorkowski[sup.1] , Maël Bessaud[sup.1] , Cñcile Baronti[sup.1] , Laurence Thirion-Perrier[sup.1] , Roxana Loayza Mafayle[sup.2] , Cinthia Avila Ardaya[sup.2] , Gabriela Aéez [...]