
Analysis of Age Distribution and Disease Presentation of 1269 Patients with Sarcoidosis/Sarkoidoz Tanili 1269 Hastanin Yas Dagilimi ve Hastalik Prezentasyonuna Gore Incelenmesi
Original Article
Document Type
The Eurasian Journal of Medicine. October 2017, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p161, 6 p.
Demographic aspects
Health aspects
Age groups -- Demographic aspects
Sarcoidosis -- Research -- Diagnosis
Elderly -- Health aspects -- Demographic aspects
Introduction Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic, systemic granulomatous disease that primarily affects the lungs and lymphatic system [1]. It can occur in patients of both sexes and all age and ethnic [...]
Objective: While the incidence of sarcoidosis peaks between 20 and 39 years, it is comparatively low in elderly subjects. We sought to determine whether there are age-dependent differences in the demographic and laboratory characteristics of patients with sarcoidosis. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively collected information from our database using the International Classification of Disease (ICD) diagnostic code D86 between 2008 and 2014. Patients were divided into three groups: 20-39 years old (Group 1), 40-59 years old (Group 2), and 60-80 years old (Group 3). Results: A total of 3988 patients with code of D86 were included in the study After the exclusion of non-eligible patients, the number of cases in Groups 1, 2, and 3 were 276, 641, and 352, respectively The groups were compared according to demographic characteristics, ICD diagnostic codes, and laboratory parameters. The ratio of female patients was significantly higher in Group 3 than in Groups 1 and 2 (p=0.000). There was no difference in diagnostic codes of the ICD subgroups between groups (p=0.19). While the level of blood-urea nitrogen was significantly higher in Group 3 patients than in other groups (p=0.000), serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) values were found to be significantly low in Group 3 (p=0.010). The mean ACE values did not differ between females and males (50.8 [+ or -] 39.3 and 59.l [+ or -] 45.5 mg/dL, respectively) (p=0.18). Conclusion: The majority of patients with sarcoidosis were female in all age groups and pulmonary sarcoidosis was the most common presentation of the disease. Elderly patients ([greater than or equal to] 60 years) with sarcoidosis had lower serum ACE levels than younger patients. Keywords: Age groups, gender ICD codes, sarcoidosis Amac: Sarkoidoz insidansi 20 ve 39 yaslari arasinda pik yapmakta iken, yasli olgularda gorece dusuktur. Calidmamizda, sarkoidoz hastalarinin demografik ve klinik ozelliklerinde yasa bagli degidiklikler olup olmadigini belirlemeyi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontem: Hastane veritabanimizi kullanarak 2008 ve 2014 yillari arasinda, Uluslar arasi Hastalik Siniflama (ICD) tani kodu D86 olan hastalara ait verileri, retrospektif olarak topladik. Hastalar yas araligina gore uc gruba ayrildi: 20-39 yas (Grup 1), 40-59 yas (Grup 2) ve 60-80 yas (Grup 3). Bulgular: ICD tani kodu D86 olan toplam 3988 hasta calismaya alindi. Uygun olmayan hastalar calidma didi birakildiktan sonra vaka sayilari Grup 1, 2 ve 3'de sirasiyla 276, 641 ve 352 oldu. Gruplar, demografik ozellik-leri, ICD tani kodlari ve laboratuar parametrelerine gore karsilastirildi. Kadin hasta orani Grup 3'de Grup 1 ve 2'ye gore anlamli oranda yuksekti (p=0, 000). ICD tani kodu alt kirilimlarina gore gruplar arasinda farklilik yoktu (p=0, 19). Kan ure azotu duzeyi Grup 3'de anlamli oranda yuksek iken (p=0, 000), serum anjiyotensin-konverting enzim (ACE) degerleri anlamli oranda dusuk bulundu (p=0, 010). Kadin ve erkeklerde ortalama ACE duzeyleri arasinda fark yoktu (sirasiyla, 50, 8 [+ or -] 39, 3 ve 59,1 [+ or -] 45, 5mg/dL) (p=0, 18). Sonuc: Tum yas gruplarinda sarkoidoz hastalarinda kadin orani daha yuksek olup, akciger sarkoidozu en sik saptanan prezentasyon sekli idi. Yasli hastalarda ([greater than or equal to] 60 yas) genclere gore serum ACE duzeyleri daha dusuk bulundu. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yas gruplari, cinsiyet, ICD kodlari, sarkoidoz