
Selected Chemical and Physical Properties of Pine Wood Chips Inoculated with Aspergillus and Penicillium Mold Fungi/Odabrana kemijska i fizicka svojstva drvne sjecke od borovine inokulirane plijesnima Aspergillus i Penicillium
Document Type
Academic Journal
Drvna Industrija. October, 2023, Vol. 74 Issue 3, p317, 10 p.
Mold fungi representing genera of Penicillium and Aspergillus commonly develop on the surface of freshly harvested wood chips during storage. As a result, they are often considered as low-quality material and intended for incineration. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of wood chips infestation with mold fungi representing genera of Aspergillus and Penicillium on their basic chemical and physical properties, such as: chemical structure (evaluated with FTIR spectroscopy), mass loss and hygroscopicity, after an incubation of 3, 6 and 9 weeks. Based on the visual assessment and ergosterol content analysis, it was found that inoculation ofwood chips with molds led to the intense fungal development on their surface. However, as observed in FTIR spectra, the presence of molds caused no changes in wood chemical structure. Furthermore, no mass loss and no significant increase in the hygroscopicity of wood were observed. Therefore, pine wood chips overgrown by studied genera of fungi seem to be a valuable material for various applications. KEYWORDS: mold fungi, wood chips, FTIR spectroscopy, mass loss, hygroscopicity Plijesni rodova Aspergillus i Penicillium najcesce se razvijaju na povrsini svjeze pripremljene drvne sjecke tijekom skladistenja, zbog cega se takva sjecka cesto smatra nekvalitetnim materijalom i spaljuje se. Stoga je cilj ovoga istrazivanja bio istraziti utjecaj zarazenosti drvne sjecke plijesnima rodova Aspergillus i Penicillium na njezina osnovna kemijska i fizicka svojstva kao sto su kemijska struktura (ispitano FTIR spektroskopijom), gubitak mase i higroskopnost nakon ikubacije od tri, sest i devet tjedana. Na temelju vizualne procjene i analize sadrzaja ergosterola, utvrdeno je da je inokulacija drvne sjecke plijesnima prouzrocila intenzivan razvoj plijesni na povrsini drvne sjecke. Medutim, na FTIR spektrimaje uoceno da plijesni nisu uzrokovale promjene u kemijskoj strukturi drva. Nadalje, nije uocen gubitak mase niti znatno povecanje higroskopnosti drva. Stoga se moze zakljuciti da je drvna sjecka od borovine zarazena promatranim rodovima plijesni upotrebljiv materijal za razlicite primjene. KLJUCNE RIJECI plijesan, drvna sjecka, FTIR spektroskopija, gubitak mase, higroskopnost
1 INTRODUCTION 1. UVOD Mold fungi are the example of microorganisms originating from different taxonomic groups, resulting in various physiological reactions. Due to this diversity, they have the ability to [...]