
Meet the Tutors: Student Expectations, Tutor Perspectives, and Some Recommendations for Sharing Information about Tutors Online
Document Type
Academic Journal
Writing Center Journal. Winter 2022, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p38, 19 p.
United Kingdom
This article presents findings from an IRB-approved study about tutors' online information on writing center websites, scheduling systems, and social media. The study used surveys to investigate students' responses to tutors' online information and focus groups to investigate tutors' rationale for the information they shared. While many researchers have studied how writing centers are presented online, little research considers how tutors are represented. The authors argue that such representation merits attention, as tutor profiles can affect students' comfort with the writing center staff and their microdecisions about who to see and how to interact with them (Salem, 2016). The authors share advice for making decisions about how tutors are presented online and for using the process of creating meet the staff and similar pages to study and improve their centers. Keywords tutor identity, self-presentation, writing center websites
Introduction We begin with reflections from Jessica, whose experiences as a writing center user and tutor sparked our interest in researching how we share information about tutors online: Before I [...]