
HCV cure: an appropriate moment to reduce cannabis use in people living with HIV? (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH data)
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Barré, TanguiMercié, PatrickLions, CarolineMiailhes, PatrickZucman, DavidAumaître, HuguesEsterle, LaureSogni, PhilippeCarrieri, PatriziaSalmon-Céron, DominiqueMarcellin, FabienneSalmon, D.Wittkop, L.Sogni, P.Esterle, L.Trimoulet, P.Izopet, J.Serfaty, L.Paradis, V.Spire, B.Carrieri, P.Valantin, M. A.Pialoux, G.Chas, J.Poizot-Martin, I.Barange, K.Naqvi, A.Rosenthal, E.Bicart-See, A.Bouchaud, O.Gervais, A.Lascoux-Combe, C.Goujard, C.Lacombe, K.Duvivier, C.Neau, D.Morlat, P.Bani-Sadr, F.Meyer, L.Boufassa, F.Autran, B.Roque, A. M.Solas, C.Fontaine, H.Costagliola, D.Piroth, L.Simon, A.Zucman, D.Boué, F.Miailhes, P.Billaud, E.Aumaître, H.Rey, D.Peytavin, G.Petrov-Sanchez, V.Levier, A.Usubillaga, R.Terris, B.Tremeaux, P.Katlama, C.Valantin, M. A.Stitou, H.Cacoub, P.Nafissa, S.Benhamou, Y.Charlotte, F.Fourati, S.Zaegel, O.Laroche, H.Tamalet, C.Callard, P.Bendjaballah, F.Le Pendeven, C.Marchou, B.Alric, L.Metivier, S.Selves, J.Larroquette, F.Rio, V.Haudebourg, J.Saint-Paul, M. C.De Monte, A.Giordanengo, V.Partouche, C.Martin, A.Ziol, M.Baazia, Y.Iwaka-Bande, V.Gerber, A.Uzan, M.Garipuy, D.Ferro-Collados, M. J.Nicot, F.Yazdanpanah, Y.Adle-Biassette, H.Alexandre, G.Molina, J. M.Bertheau, P.Chaix, M. L.Delaugerre, C.Maylin, S.Bottero, J.Krause, J.Girard, P. M.Wendum, D.Cervera, P.Adam, J.Viala, C.Vittecocq, D.Quertainmont, Y.Teicher, E.Pallier, C.Lortholary, O.Rouzaud, C.Lourenco, J.Touam, F.Louisin, C.Avettand-Fenoel, V.Gardiennet, E.Mélard, A.Ochoa, A.Blanchard, E.Castet-Lafarie, S.Cazanave, C.Malvy, D.Dupon, M.Dutronc, H.Dauchy, F.Lacaze-Buzy, L.Desclaux, A.Bioulac-Sage, P.Reigadas, S.Lacoste, D.Bonnet, F.Bernard, N.Hessamfar, M.Paccalin, F.Martell, C.Pertusa, M. C.Vandenhende, M.Mercié, P.Pistone, T.Receveur, M. C.Méchain, M.Duffau, P.Rivoisy, C.Faure, I.Caldato, S.Bellecave, P.Tumiotto, C.Pellegrin, J. L.Viallard, J. F.Lazzaro, E.Greib, C.Majerholc, C.Brollo, M.Farfour, E.Devoto, J. PoloKansau, I.Chambrin, V.Pignon, C.Berroukeche, L.Fior, R.Martinez, V.Abgrall, S.Favier, M.Deback, C.Lévy, Y.Dominguez, S.Lelièvre, J. D.Lascaux, A. S.Melica, G.Raffi, F.Allavena, C.Reliquet, V.Boutoille, D.Biron, C.Lefebvre, M.Hall, N.Bouchez, S.Rodallec, A.Le Guen, L.Hemon, C.Peyramond, D.Chidiac, C.Ader, F.Biron, F.Boibieux, A.Cotte, L.Ferry, T.Perpoint, T.Koffi, J.Zoulim, F.Bailly, F.Lack, P.Maynard, M.Radenne, S.Amiri, M.Valour, F.Augustin-Normand, C.Scholtes, C.Le-Thi, T. T.Van Huyen, P. Chavanet M. DuongBuisson, M.Waldner-Combernoux, A.Mahy, S.Rousseau, A. SalmonMartins, C.Galim, S.Lambert, D.Nguyen, Y.Berger, J. L.Hentzien, M.Brodard, V.Partisani, M.Batard, M. L.Cheneau, C.Priester, M.Bernard-Henry, C.de Mautort, E.Fischer, P.Gantner, P.Fafi-Kremer, S.Roustant, F.Platterier, P.Kmiec, I.Traore, L.Lepuil, S.Parlier, S.Sicart-Payssan, V.Bedel, E.Anriamiandrisoa, S.Pomes, C.Mole, M.Bolliot, C.Catalan, P.Mebarki, M.Adda-Lievin, A.Thilbaut, P.Ousidhoum, Y.Makhoukhi, F. Z.Braik, O.Bayoud, R.Gatey, C.Pietri, M. P.Le Baut, V.Rayana, R. BenBornarel, D.Chesnel, C.Beniken, D.Pauchard, M.Akel, S.Lions, C.Ivanova, A.Ritleg, A.-S.Debreux, C.Chalal, L.Zelie, J.Hue, H.Soria, A.Cavellec, M.Breau, S.Joulie, A.Fisher, P.Gohier, S.Croisier-Bertin, D.Ogoudjobi, S.Brochier, C.Thoirain-Galvan, V.Le Cam, M.Chalouni, M.Conte, V.Dequae-Merchadou, L.Desvallees, M.Gilbert, C.Gillet, S.Knight, R.Lemboub, T.Marcellin, F.Michel, L.Mora, M.Protopopescu, C.Roux, P.Tezkratt, S.Barré, T.Rojas, T. RojasBaudoin, M.Di Beo, M. Santos V.Nishimwe, M.
AIDS Research and Therapy. March 15, 2022, Vol. 19 Issue 1
Background Thanks to direct-acting antivirals, hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can be cured, with similar rates in HCV-infected and HIV-HCV co-infected patients. HCV cure is likely to foster behavioral changes in psychoactive substance use, which is highly prevalent in people living with HIV (PLWH). Cannabis is one substance that is very commonly used by PLWH, sometimes for therapeutic purposes. We aimed to identify correlates of cannabis use reduction following HCV cure in HIV-HCV co-infected cannabis users and to characterize persons who reduced their use. Methods We used data collected on HCV-cured cannabis users in a cross-sectional survey nested in the ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort of HIV-HCV co-infected patients, to perform logistic regression, with post-HCV cure cannabis reduction as the outcome, and socio-behavioral characteristics as potential correlates. We also characterized the study sample by comparing post-cure substance use behaviors between those who reduced their cannabis use and those who did not. Results Among 140 HIV-infected cannabis users, 50 and 5 had reduced and increased their use, respectively, while 85 had not changed their use since HCV cure. Cannabis use reduction was significantly associated with tobacco use reduction, a decrease in fatigue level, paying more attention to one's dietary habits since HCV cure, and pre-HCV cure alcohol abstinence (p = 0.063 for alcohol use reduction). Conclusions Among PLWH using cannabis, post-HCV cure cannabis reduction was associated with tobacco use reduction, improved well-being, and adoption of healthy behaviors. The management of addictive behaviors should therefore be encouraged during HCV treatment. Keywords: Cannabis, Marijuana, HIV, Hepatitis C, Sustained virological response, HCV cure, Smoking, Behavioral changes
Author(s): Tangui Barré[sup.1] , Patrick Mercié[sup.2] , Caroline Lions[sup.1] , Patrick Miailhes[sup.3] , David Zucman[sup.4] , Hugues Aumaître[sup.5] , Laure Esterle[sup.6] , Philippe Sogni[sup.7,8,9] , Patrizia Carrieri[sup.1] , Dominique Salmon-Céron[sup.7,10] [...]