
The Text of Calderón's Luis Pérez el gallego
Document Type
Ensayo crítico
Bulletin of the Comediantes. Jan-July, 2019, Vol. 71 Issue 1-2, p71, 15 p.
Pedro Calderón de la Barca's Luis Pérez el gallego probably dates from the late 1620s, although it was not printed until 1652, in Primera parte de comedias escogidas (hereafter, Parte I, Escogidas), a volume which Calderón himself approved for printing. Juan de Vera Tassis included the play in his Octava parte de comedias of Calderón (1684), having referred to it in 1683 as forming part of a collected volume by various authors. Since there are many signs that he used the first part of the Escogidas series to produce his edition, we can conclude that he was referring to that volume. There is evidence that he sometimes used other versions of a text to correct his main source, especially If it was as corrupt as the Parte I, Escogidas text, which omits numerous lines. In this case, however, there are indications that he had no other sources and that the apparent corrections of Parte I of the Escogidas are his inventions. There are no manuscripts, and surviving sueltas derive from this Escogidos edition or from Vera Tassis's edition. Vera Tassis tended to intervene excessively as an editor, and while we can sometimes use electronic aids to find simpler and more plausible readings from the playwright's other works, there is nothing we can do about the missing lines. Analysis here reveals that Calderón's approval in 1652 was of a very flawed text.
LUIS PÉREZ EL GALLEGO IS AN UNUSUAL PLAY, possibly written when Calderón was in his late twenties. The palace accounts show that it was performed by the company of Antonio [...]