
Seton Application in Complex Perianal Fistula: Video Presentation/Kompleks Perianal FistUlde Seton Uygulamasi: Video Sunum
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease. March 2021, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p82, 2 p.
Introduction It has been shown in various sources that perianal fistula disease affects one out of every fifty people in the community. This disease usually has a chronic course despite [...]
Anal fistulas are non-physiological tract-like structures that open into the perianal skin starting from the distal rectum or anal canal and arise from abscesses on the basis of infection in the rudimentary glands around the dentate line. Recurrence rates vary between 10%-50% and this disease affects 2% of the society. Anal fistulas are classified as ischioanal, subanodermal, intersphincteric, transsphincteric, suprasphincteric, and extrasphincteric, and spontaneous remission is not possible in this disease. Physical examination, contrast enhanced pelvic magnetic resonance imaging and endoanal ultrasonography are used in the diagnosis of this disease, which presents with symptoms such as fever, fatigue, soiling and pain. In this clinical picture, which may also be associated with Crohn's disease, the ultimate treatment is surgery, and in this video presentation, we aimed to demonstrate a seton revision and tract curettage treatment in a patient who had previously undergone seton placement procedure for an extrasphincteric fistula. Keywords: Complex perianal fistula, curettage, seton Anal fistuller distal rektum veya anal kanaldan baslayan perianal deride acilan fizyolojik olmayan trakt benzeri yapilardir ve dentate cizgideki rudimenter glandlarin enfeksiyonu zemininde gelisen apselerden kaynaklanirlar. Rekurrens oranlari %10-%50 arasinda degismekte olup toplumun %2'sini etkilemektedir. Anal fistuller iskioanal, subanodermal, intersfinkterik, transsfinkterik, suprasfinkterik ve ekstrasfinkterik olarak siniflandirilmakta olup spontan remisyon bu hastalikta soz konusu degildir. Ates, genel durum bozuklugu, perianal akinti gibi semptomlarla prezente olan bu hastalikta tanida fizik muayene, pelvik kontrastli manyetik rezonans ve endoanal ultrasonografi kullanilmaktadir. Ozellikle Crohn hastaligi ile de iliskili olabilen bu klinik tabloda nihai tedavi cerrahi olup bu video prezentasyonda ekstrasfinkterik fistul nedeni ile daha onceden seton tedavisi uygulanmis bir hastada seton revizyonu ve trakt kuretaji tedavisinin gosterilmesi amaclanmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Karmasik perianal fistul, kuretaj, seton