
Tooth Extractions in Patients with Periodontal Diseases and Clinical Decision-Making Process/Vadenje zuba pacijentima s parodontnim bolestima i proces donosenja klinickih odluka
Document Type
Academic Journal
Acta Stomatologica Croatica. June, 2019, Vol. 53 Issue 2, p141, 9 p.
United States
Objectives: To investigate the professional aspects and clinical and radiographic evidence that influences the decision for the extraction of teeth among periodontologists and general dentists. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 150 (n=106 females and 44 males) dentists (n=103 general dentists and 47 periodontologists) that responded to a questionnaire designed to retrieve cross-sectional information related mainly to their level of training and time of experience in practice, as well as their personal decision for managing four patients with periodontal disease. Bivariate analyses were performed to test the association between the clinical decisions and the professional information collected from the dentists. Results: In specific cases, periodontologists decided to maintain more teeth than general dentists (p Key words Clinical Decision-making; Periodontics; Radiology; Tooth Extraction Ciljevi: Zeljelo se istraziti profesionalne aspekte te klinicke i rendgenske pokazatelje koji utjecu na odluku parodontologa i opcih stomatologa o vadenju zuba. Materijali i metode: Uzorak se sastojao od 150 (n = 106 zena i 44 muskarca) doktora dentalne medicine (n = 103 opcih stomatologa i 47 parodontologa) koji su ispunili upitnik osmisljen za prikupljanje presjecnih informacija koje se odnose uglavnom na razinu njihove edukacije i iskustvo u praksi, te na osobnu terapijsku odluku u slucaju cetiri pacijenta s parodontnim bolestima. Bivarijantna analiza obavljena je kako bi se testirala povezanost klinickih odluka i profesionalnih informacija prikupljenih od doktora dentalne medicine. Rezultati: U odredenim slucajevima parodontolozi su odlucili sacuvati vise zuba od opcih stomatologa (p < 0,05). U drugima, pak, doktori s visegodisnjim iskustvom u praksi odlucili su se za vise ekstrakcija (p Kljucne rijeci donosenje klinickih odluka, parodontologija, radiologija, vadenje zuba
Introduction Periodontal disease is highly prevalent worldwide (1-3) and may lead to important consequences such as tooth loss (4-6). Early diagnosis and treatment founded on patient participation and plaque control [...]