
KDM5B protein expressed in viable and fertile [DELTA]ARID mice exhibit no demethylase activity
Document Type
Academic Journal
International Journal of Oncology. November, 2021, Vol. 59 Issue 5, p1l, p8 p.
United States
United Kingdom
Post-translational modification of histones serve a crucial role in the control of gene transcription. Trimethylation of lysine 4 on histone 3 is associated with transcription activation. There are currently six known methylases and six known demethylases that can control the methylation status of this site. Lysine demethylase 5B (KDM5B) is one such demethylase, which can repress gene expression. In particular KDM5B has been found to be overexpressed in a number of cancer types, and small-molecular weight inhibitors of its demethylase activity have been identifed. Previous characterisation of Kdm5b knock-out mice has revealed that this genotype leads to either embryonic or neonatal lethality. However, the [DELTA]A-T rich interaction domain ([DELTA]ARID) -KDM5B strain of mice, which have the ARID domain and five amino acids within the Jumonji (Jmj)N domain spliced out from KDM5B, remain viable and fertile. In the present study, [DELTA]ARID-KDM5B was found to have no demethylase activity as determined by in vitro demethylase assays and by immunofluorescence in transfected Cos-1 cells. Furthermore, molecular dynamic simulations revealed conformational changes within the [DELTA]ARID-KDM5B structure compared with that in WT-KDM5B, particularly in the JmjC domain, which is responsible for the catalytic activity of WT-KDM5B. This supports the experimental data that shows the loss of demethylase activity. Since Kdm5b knock-out mice show varying degrees of lethality, these data suggest that KDM5B serves a crucial function in development in a manner that is independent of its demethylase activity.
Introduction The H3K4me3 histone mark is frequently found at the promoters of genes that are undergoing active transcription (1,2). In mammals, to methylate H3K4 there are six methyltransferases that can [...]