
Justice, Equity, and Inclusion in a School of Nursing: A Quality Improvement Program
Document Type
Journal of Nursing Education. January, 2023, Vol. 62 Issue 1, p20, 8 p.
United States
Background: Despite the increased racial and ethnic diversity in the general population of the United States, the nursing workforce remains mostly White. Schools of nursing (SON) have increased recruitment and enrollment; however, students who represent racial and ethnic minoritized groups experience microaggressions, injustice, and social exclusion. This quality improvement program sought to equip faculty with skills to create a just and inclusive SON. The program was guided by the Institute for Healthcare's Model for Improvement. Method: Five workshops were developed and implemented during two semesters. Workshops were led and moderated by a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant. Results: After the workshops, participants committed to create an inclusive environment, intervene when microaggressions occurred, implement curricular changes, and recognize themselves as members of a privileged group. Postworkshop discussions and reflections led to new initiatives in the SON. Conclusion: This faculty development program demonstrates programs to enhance justice, equity, and inclusion can be implemented successfully within SON. [J Nurs Educ. 2023;62(1):20?27.]
The Future of Nursing 2020?2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2021) calls for a nursing workforce that is diverse and prepared [...]