
The acetylcholinesterase as indicative of intoxication for pesticide in farmers of conventional and organic cultivation/A acetilcolinesterase como indicativo de intoxicacao por pesticidas em agricultores de cultivo convencional e organico
Document Type
Academic Journal
Brazilian Journal of Biology. July-Sep, 2021, Vol. 81 Issue 3, p632, 10 p.
In this sense the objective of assessing the levels of pesticide poisoning in rural farmers of San Sebastian and take AL, using acetylcholinesterase enzymes Erythrocyte and plasma as biological indicator of intoxication. This is a prospective, transversal and descriptive variables analyzed were: year whose, sex, age group, education, location, condition, route of exposure. The data were acquired by collecting blood samples and socio demographic information of farmers. Was put as the determining factor the type of conventional and organic farming, and periods of drought and rainy. 56 volunteers were analyzed. The analyses were performed in the automatic biochemical Analyzer Cobas Integra 400 plus[R]. According to the results of the analyses, it was the largest number of individuals with reduced values of Cholinesterase, specifically the Group of conventional farming, the period of greatest change index was in the rainy season, where the activity of AChE, expressive values presented in the city of Sao Sebastiao, with 80% result of intoxicated, in the city of the foot--take, 21.73% over the same period. On analysis of the AChP, Sao Sebastiao has obtained the highest number of contaminated with 18.75% and 30% respectively, in the District Take Foot stood between 10 and 21.73% of reduced levels of cholinesterase. This sets the organic system of cultivation, as the best alternative for prevention of future diseases, in addition to bringing quality of life for rural workers, as well as for consumers. Keywords: cholinesterase inhibitors, agrochemicals, diagnosis. Nesse sentido objetivou-se avaliar os niveis de intoxicacao por agrotoxicos em agricultores rurais de Sao Sebastiao e Pe Leve--AL, utilizando as enzimas acetilcolinesterase Eritrocitaria e Plasmatica, como indicador biologico de intoxicacao. Trata--se de um estudo prospectivo, transversal e descritivo cujas variaveis analisadas foram: ano, sexo, faixa etaria, escolaridade, local, circunstancia, via de exposicao. Os dados foram adquiridos atraves da coleta das amostras de sangue e das informacoes socio demograficas dos agricultores. Foi posto como fator determinante o tipo de cultivo convencional e organico, e os periodos de estiagem e chuvoso. Foram analisados 56 voluntarios. As analises foram realizadas no analisador automatico de bioquimica Cobas Integra[R] 400 plus. De acordo com os resultados das analises, percebeu-se maior numero de individuos com valores diminuidos da colinesterase, especificamente no grupo de cultivo convencional, o periodo de maior indice de alteracao foi na epoca chuvosa, onde a atividade da AChE, apresentou valores expressivos na cidade de Sao Sebastiao, com resultado de 80% de intoxicados, na cidade do Pe--Leve, obteve-se 21,73% no mesmo periodo. Na analise da AChP, Sao Sebastiao obteve maior numero de contaminados com 18,75% e 30% respectivamente, ja no Distrito Pe Leve ficou entre 10 e 21,73% de niveis diminuidos da colinesterase. Isso define o sistema organico de cultivo, como a melhor alternativa para prevencao de futuras patologias, alem de trazer qualidade de vida para os trabalhadores rurais, como tambem para os consumidores. Palavras-chave: inibidores da colinesterase, agroquimicos, diagnostico.
1. Introduction Currently, Brazil is one of the largest food producers in the world and, also, one of the countries that consumes the most agrochemicals in the production methods of [...]