
Measurements of [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] and [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] + [v.sub.[micro]] charged-current cross-sections without detected pions or protons on water and hydrocarbon at a mean anti-neutrino energy of 0.86 GeV
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Academic Journal
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Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. April, 2021, Vol. 2021 Issue 4, p1A, 28 p.
United Kingdom
We report measurements of the flux-integrated [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] and [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] + [v.sub.[micro]] charged-current cross-sections on water and hydrocarbon targets using the T2K anti-neutrino beam with a mean beam energy of 0.86 GeV. The signal is defined as the (anti-)neutrino charged-current interaction with one induced [[mu].sup.[+ or -]] and no detected charged pion or proton. These measurements are performed using a new WAGASCI module recently added to the T2K setup in combination with the INGRID Proton Module. The phase space of muons is restricted to the high-detection efficiency region, [p.sub.[micro]] > 400 MeV /c and [[theta].sub.[micro]] < 30[degrees], in the laboratory frame. An absence of pions and protons in the detectable phase spaces of [p.sub.[pi]] > 200 MeV /c, [[theta].sub.[pi]] < 70[degrees] and [P.sub.p] > 600 MeV /c, [[theta].sub.p] < 70[degrees] is required. In this paper, both the [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] cross-sections and [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] + [v.sub.[micro]] cross-sections on water and hydrocarbon targets and their ratios are provided by using the D'Agostini unfolding method. The results of the integrated [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] cross-section measurements over this phase space are [Please download the PDF to view the mathematical expression] and [Please download the PDF to view the mathematical expression] The [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] + [v.sub.[micro]] cross-section is [Please download the PDF to view the mathematical expression] and [Please download the PDF to view the mathematical expression] Subject Index C04, C32
1. Introduction The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment [1] is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. Using either the [v.sub.[micro]] or the [[bar.v].sub.[micro]] beam produced at the J-PARC accelerator complex, both [...]