
Evaluation of the Pediatric Neurology Consultations Requested from the Pediatric Emergency Service: A Single-Center Experience/Cocuk Acil Servisinden Istenen Cocuk Norolojisi Konsultasyonlarinin Degerlendirilmesi: Tek Merkez Deneyimi
Original Article
Document Type
Academic Journal
Journal of Dr. Behcet Uz Children’s Hospital. April 2022, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p81, 10 p.
Emergency medical services
Seizures (Medicine)
Pediatric emergencies
Pediatric neurology
INTRODUCTION Emergency service is the department providing continuous healthcare with a multidisciplinary approach for health problems occurring in case of sudden illness, accident, or injury (1). Approximately 20-30% of the [...]
Objective: Pediatric neurology opinion is one of the most frequently requested consultations in emergency service practice. Symptoms and/or signs such as headache, altered consciousness, seizures, and focal neurological deficits are the most common consultation reasons. We aimed to retrospectively evaluate patients who were consulted with the pediatric neurology department in the pediatric emergency service. Method: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study in which the consultation notes of patients who presented to the pediatric emergency service and required a consultation with the pediatric neurology department between June 2016 and November 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The number of the consulted patients was 1,265. Sixteen patients left the hospital after their parents signed treatment and examination rejection form, 1,249 consultations were included. The most common reasons for consultation were seizure, routine follow-up of patients that receive home mechanical ventilator support, and headache. The rate of emergency neurological pathologies detected in brain computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging was 1.7%. The most common electroencephalographic abnormality was focal epileptic discharges. Consultation rate requiring emergent intervention was 14.8% and status epilepticus, central nervous system infections, intracranial masses were the most common causes. Conclusion: The most common reason for consultation was seizure. The rate of consultations requiring acute intervention was low. We think that the emergency service admissions of patients that need examination and treatment in the outpatient clinic may harm the routine functioning of the emergency service. Community education for the use of the emergency room only when necessary is essential. Keywords: Consultation, emergency service, neurology, epilepsy pediatrics, Amac: Pediatrik noroloji gorusu acil servis pratiginde en sik istenen konsultasyonlardan biridir. Bas agrisi, bilinc degisikligi, nobetler ve fokal norolojik defisitler gibi semptom ve/veya bulgular en yaygin konsultasyon nedenleridir. Bu calismada cocuk acil servisinde cocuk norolojisi bolumune konsulte edilen hastalari retrospektif olarak degerlendirmeyi amacladik. Yontem: Haziran 2016-Kasim 2019 tarihleri arasinda cocuk acil servisine basvuran ve cocuk norolojisi klinigine konsulte edilmesi gereken hastalarin konsultasyon notlarinin retrospektif olarak incelendigi tanimlayici kesitsel bir calismadir. Bulgular: Konsultasyon yapilan hasta sayisi 1265'ti. On alti hasta, ebeveynleri tedavi ve muayene red formunu imzaladiktan sonra hastaneden ayrildi, 1249 konsultasyon dahil edildi. En sik konsultasyon nedenleri nobet, evde mekanik ventilator destegi alan hastalarin rutin takibi ve bas agrisi idi. Beyin bilgisayarli tomografisi ve manyetik rezonans goruntulemede tespit edilen acil norolojik patoloji orani %1,7'ydi. En yaygin elektroensefalografik anormallik fokal epileptik desarjlardi. Acil mudahale gerektiren konsultasyon orani %14,8 olup status epileptikus, merkezi sinir sistemi enfeksiyonlari, kafa ici kitleler en sik nedenlerdi. Sonuc: En sik konsultasyon nedeni nobetti. Akut mudahale gerektiren konsultasyonlarin orani dusuktu. Poliklinikte muayene ve tedavi gerektiren hastalarin acil servise basvurularinin acil servisin rutin isleyisine zarar verebilecegini dusunuyoruz. Acil servisin sadece gerektiginde kullanimina yonelik toplum egitimi esastir. Anahtar kelimeler: Konsultasyon, acil servis, noroloji, epilepsi pediatri