
Determination of Personality Types at Risk of Adjustment Disorder Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in Medical Faculty Students/ Tip Fakultesi Ogrencilerinde COVID-19 Pandemisine Bagli Uyum Bozuklugu Olusma Riski Tasiyan Kisilik Tiplerinin Belirlenmesi
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. November 2023, Vol. 30 Issue 3, p199, 7 p.
Development and progression
Risk factors
Health aspects
Epidemics -- Research -- Development and progression -- Risk factors
Coronaviruses -- Health aspects -- Research
Medical students -- Research -- Health aspects
Mental health -- Research -- Health aspects
Medical research -- Health aspects
COVID-19 -- Research -- Development and progression -- Risk factors
Medicine, Experimental -- Health aspects
Giris Uyum bozuklugu, kisinin yasadigi ve tanimlanabilen psikososyal stresorlere verilen uygunsuz duygusal tepkiyle tanimlanir. Bu stresli olaylar tibbi hastaliklar, finansal zorluklar, ozel hayattaki iliski sorunlari, yasamsal stresorler (uzun sureli iliski [...]
Objectives: Besides the direct effect of the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic on human health, its effects on mental health of the vast majority of people worldwide is causing a great concern. Although most of the population is not exposed to the disease directly, experiencing a pandemic and living with the precautions taken against it causes stress and anxiety in people. In the literature it has been shown that the incidence of many mental health problems increases during pandemics. One of the most commonly seen symptoms during the pandemic are related to adjustment disorder. In this study, we investigated the relationship between big five personality traits and adjustment disorder development levels and hypothesized that adjustment disorder development would vary according to personality traits. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study and its universe are the students at Marmara University Medical School. Random sampling was applied. Questions related to sociodemographic characteristics, Adjustment Disorder New Module-8 (ADNM-8) and Ten-Item Personality Inventory were completed by the participants by means of an online survey. Results: A total of 355 students participated in the study by random sampling (minimum sample size: 299). The prevalence of adjustment disorder among the participants was found to be 63.1%. The rate of adjustment disorder was higher among women compared to men, among people with a lower income to outcome ratio, and among participants who financially struggled to cope during the pandemic (p Conclusion: Although it cannot be revealed as a causality for developing adjustment disorder, the personality trait 'extraversion' was found to display elevated risk whereas 'conscientiousness' and 'emotional stability' factors provided resilience against developing adjustment disorder. Keywords: Adjustment disorders, personality, COVID-19 Amac: Koronavirus hastaligi-2019 pandemisi milyonlarca insan uzerindeki dolaysiz etkisinin yaninda dunya capinda cok daha buyuk cogunluktaki insanin zihinsel sagligi uzerindeki etkileri ile buyuk bir endise olusturmaktadir. Populasyonun buyuk bolumu hastalikla dogrudan karsi karsiya gelmese de pandeminin kendisi ve onlemek icin alinan onlemler stres ve kaygi olusturmaktadir. Literaturde pandemi kosullarinda bircok psikiyatrik bozuklugun insidansinda artis oldugu gosterilmistir. Uyum bozuklugu semptomlari da pandemi sirasinda en sik bildirilen semptomlarin arasindadir. Calismamizda buyuk besli kisilik tiplerine gore mevcut pandemi kosullarinda uyum bozuklugu gelisiminin duzeyinin belirlenmesi amaclanmisve uyum bozuklugu gelisiminin kisilik ozellikleri ile degisebilecegi hipotezi one surulmustur. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirma tanimlayici turdedir ve evrenini Marmara Universitesi Tip Fakultesi ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Gelisi guzel ornekleme yontemi uygulanmistir. Internet uzerinden yapilan ankette sosyodemografik ozellikler, Uyum Bozuklugu Yeni Modul-8 (UBYM-8) ve On-Maddeli Kisilik Olcegi katilimcilar tarafindan doldurulmustur. Bulgular: Arastirmaya 355 ogrenci tarafindan katilim saglanmistir (minimum orneklem buyuklugu: 299). Katilimcilarin %63,1'inde uyum bozuklugu bulunmustur. Kadinlarda erkeklere gore, gideri gelirinden fazla olanlarda digerlerine gore ve pandemi suresince finansal zorluk yasayanlarda yasamayanlara gore uyum bozuklugu prevelansinin daha sik oldugu gorulmustur (p Sonuc: Pandemi sartlarinda uyum bozuklugu gelistirmeleri acisindan nedensellik olarak gosterilemese de 'disa donukluk' kisilik faktoru diger faktorlere gore daha riskli bulunurken 'sorumluluk' ve 'duygusal dengelilik' faktorlerinin dayaniklilik olusturdugu saptanmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Uyum bozukluklari, kisilik, COVID-19