
Challenges in Establishing a Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Convalescent Plasma Donation Program in a Multicultural Environment
Document Type
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. December, 2021, Vol. 145 Issue 12, p1479, 6 p.
United Arab Emirates
* Context.--In the face of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic response, it was worthwhile to test the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP) transfusion. Objective.--To establish a CCP donation program based on the availability of recovered COVID-19 patients and the practical limitations in recruiting clinically valid donors in a multicultural setting. Design.--From March to June 2020, we developed a program for collection of COVID-19 CCP as part of the treatment options for patients affected with COVID-19. From an initial population of 3746 candidates, only those with positive polymerase chain reaction results in at least 2 separate tests were considered. This filter reduced the eligible donor pool to 488 patients. After other exclusions were applied, such as language barrier, age, accessibility to donation, and comorbidities, the final count was 267 potentially eligible donors, which represented only 54.7% (267 of 488) of preselected candidates. Results.--Eighty donors were called. Approximately a third of the calls provided additional challenges as outlined by the following 4 reasons: limited functional understanding of English; schedule availability due to rotating work timetables; transportation restrictions since public transport services were severely restricted during lockdown; and lost to follow-up. Finally, a total of 38 valid donors participated, upon whom 45 apheresis procedures were performed. Conclusions.--As a summary of our experience, we can conclude that despite the limitations we were able to establish an effective program. A total of 90 units of CCP were collected before the pandemic curve began to flatten toward the end of June 2020.
During the past century, serum therapies were used successfully to treat many infectious diseases, a majority of which were stopped with the arrival of antibiotics; however, in current practice, specific [...]