
Factors Effecting the Duration of Breast Feeding and the Time of Weaning / Anne Sutu Alim Suresi ve Kesilme Zamanini Etkileyen Faktorler
Document Type
Namik Kemal Medical Journal (Namik Kemal Tıp Dergisi). March, 2024, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p52, 9 p.
Aim: Breast milk is the ideal type of nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding has many benefits for the mother, baby and society. In this study, we aimed to determine the sociodemographic factors that affect the duration of breastfeeding and the time of weaning in the children of mothers who have children aged 5 and under, to detect the problems that will occur during the breastfeeding process in advance and to contribute to the precautions that need to be taken. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in which a survey was conducted with mothers or caregivers of children aged 5 and under. Our study was conducted by the researcher using the face-to-face survey method. In the survey; the child's gender, age, type of birth, week of birth, birth weight, when he first breastfed, whether he used formula or not, if so, the reason, when he started the first complementary food, how much breast milk he received only and in total, the number of siblings, if any, for how long. Breastfeeding, household's total income, mother's prenatal breastfeeding education status, mother and father's sociodemographic characteristics, occupations, working and health status, and mother's emotional state were questioned. Results: The cesarean delivery rate in the group with breastfeeding for less than 1 year was significantly (p Conclusion: Breastfeeding is very important for a baby's healthy development and protection from diseases in the first two years of life. It is every baby's natural right to be fed with breast milk. Determining the timing of breastfeeding and the factors that lead to its cessation in our country and region will contribute to taking precautions in this regard and increasing the duration of breastfeeding. If possible, breastfeeding education starting before birth, supporting the mother after birth, and providing appropriate opportunities for breastfeeding for working mothers will increase the duration of breast milk intake. Keywords: Human milk, breastfeeding, duration of time Amac: Anne sutu, bebekler icin en ideal besindir. Anne sutu ile beslenmenin; anneye, bebege ve topluma cok sayida yarari bulunmaktadir. Biz de bu calismamizda, 5 yas ve alti cocuk sahibi olan annelerin cocuklarindaki anne sutu alim suresi ve kesilme zamaninda etkili olan sosyodemografik faktorlerin belirlenmesini, anne sutu ile beslenme surecinde yasanacak sorunlarin onceden tespit edilmesini ve alinmasi gereken onlemlere katkida bulunmayi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirmamiz 5 yas ve alti cocuklarin anneleri veya bakim verenleriyle anket uygulanan kesitsel tipte bir calismadir. Calismamiz arastirici tarafindan yuz yuze anket yontemi ile yapildi. Ankette; cocugun cinsiyeti, yasi, dogum sekli, dogum haftasi, dogum kilosu, ilk ne zaman emdigi, formul mama kullanip kullanmadigi, kullandiysa nedeni, ilk ek gidaya baslama zamani, sadece ve toplam ne kadar anne sutu aldigi, kardes sayisi, varsa kardesin ne kadar sure anne sutu aldigi, hane halkinin toplam geliri, annenin dogum oncesi emzirme egitimi alma durumu, anne ve babanin sosyodemografik ozellikleri, meslekleri, calisma ve saglik durumlari ile annenin duygudurumu sorgulanmistir. Bulgular: Anne sutu alimi 1 yil alti olan grupta sezaryen dogum orani, anne sutu alimi 1 yil ustu olan gruptan anlamli (p Sonuc: Anne sutu ile beslenme hayatin ilk iki yilinda bir bebegin saglikli gelisimi ve hastaliklardan korunmasi icin cok onemlidir. Her bebegin anne sutu ile beslenmek en dogal hakkidir. Ulkemizde ve bolgemizde anne sutu alim zamani ve kesilmesine yol acan faktorlerin belirlenmesi, bu konuda onlemler alinmasina ve anne sutu alim suresinin arttirilmasina katki saglayacaktir. Mumkunse dogum oncesi baslanan emzirme egitimi, annenin dogum sonrasi desteklenmesi, calisan anneler icin emzirme icin uygun olanaklarin saglanmasi anne sutu alim suresini arttiracaktir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Anne sutu, alim suresi, emzirme
INTRODUCTION Breast milk is the ideal food for babies. Breastfeeding has many benefits for the mother, the infant and society. Exclusive breastfeeding (EB), especially for the first six months, is [...]