
BARIATRIC SURGERY INDUCES POSITIVE CHANGES IN BODY COMPOSITION IN OLDER ADULTS/ Cirurgia bariatrica induz alteracoes positivas composicao corporal em adultos idosos
Document Type
Academic Journal
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutricao e Emagrecimento. March-April, 2021, Vol. 15 Issue 93, p301, 9 p.
Aspectos de salud
The number of older adults have increased considerably in the last years, as well as the number of obese older adults is also on the rise. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in body composition of older adults after 3, 6, and 12 months of bariatric surgery. Materials and Methods: A historical cohort of 35 older adults (62.35 [+ or -] 1.47 years) who underwent bariatric surgery took part in this study. Body composition was analyzed by bioelectrical impedance. Data regarding physical activity and diet profile were also analyzed. Results: There was a significant reduction in body weight and fat percentage after the surgery, and skeletal muscle mass showed stabilization 6 months after the surgery. Forty-eight percent of the participants adhered to a combination of aerobic and resistance training and to a higher protein intake after the surgery. Conclusion: We believe that our main finding was the maintenance of lean muscle mass despite the weight reduction after the surgery and that this was associated with the combination of resistance training and the increase in protein intake. Key words: Older adults. Bariatric surgery. Body composition. Physical training. O numero de idosos aumentou consideravelmente nos ultimos anos, assim como o numero de idosos obesos tambem esta aumentando. Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alteracoes na composicao corporal de idosos apos 3, 6 e 12 meses de cirurgia bariatrica. Materiais e Metodos: Participou do estudo uma coorte historica de 35 idosos (62,35 [+ or -] 1,47 anos) submetidos a cirurgia bariatrica. A composicao corporal foi analisada por bioimpedancia eletrica. Dados sobre atividade fisica e perfil alimentar tambem foram analisados. Resultados: Houve reducao significativa do peso corporal e percentual de gordura apos a cirurgia, e a massa muscular esqueletica apresentou estabilizacao 6 meses apos a cirurgia. Quarenta e oito por cento dos participantes aderiram a uma combinacao de treinamento aerobio e de resistencia e a uma maior ingestao de proteinas apos a cirurgia. Conclusao: Acreditamos que nosso principal achado foi a manutencao da massa muscular magra apesar da reducao de peso apos a cirurgia e que esta foi associada a combinacao do treinamento resistido e ao aumento da ingestao proteica. Palavras-chave: Idosos. Cirurgia bariatrica. Composicao corporal. Treinamento fisico.
INTRODUCTION Aging is characterized by decreased organ function and morphofunctional changes throughout the body (Reid, Fielding, 2012). In developed countries, a patient is considered an older adult at 65 years [...]