
Pathomorphological evaluation of hepatobiliary lesions in dogs and cats of Ankara region/Patomorfološka procjena hepatobilijarnih lezija u pasa i macaka uzgojenih na podrucju grada Ankare
Document Type
Academic Journal
Veterinarski Arhiv. July-August 2021, Vol. 91 Issue 4, p359, 20 p.
United Kingdom
Introduction Hepatobiliary diseases, commonly reported in dogs and cats, are of great importance due to the dependence of most organs on the metabolic function of the liver (BROWN et al. [...]
The objective of this study was to investigate pathological disorders of the hepatobiliary system in dogs and cats in Ankara using pathomorphological methods, and to determine the types and frequency of the observed lesions. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate hepatic reparation as a reaction of the liver to injury with different hepatobiliary lesions using immunohistochemical methods. Livers obtained from 56 cats and 74 dogs submitted for post-mortem investigation were examined macroscopically and microscopically. Samples with hepatic fibrosis were stained immunohistochemically with an [alpha]-SMA antibody. Lesions were found in 98% of the livers of the examined dogs and cats. The most common histopathological diagnoses were hepatitis (39.28%), hepatocellular lipidosis (16.07%), and cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis (14.28%) in cats. In dogs they were hepatitis (28.38%), passive congestion (25.68%) and proliferative lesions (21.62%). For some hepatobiliary lesions, breed, age and gender predispositions were observed. Immunohistochemically, the [alpha]-SMA antibody positively stained parenchymal, portal and septal myofibroblasts. A positive correlation was verified between immunohistochemical [alpha]-SMA scores and histochemical fibrosis scores. This is the first study in Turkey documenting both the incidence of hepatobiliary lesions among feline and canine species, and their pathomorphological features. In terms of reparation, the major role of the hepatic myofibroblasts in liver fibrosis was observed. There were variations in the intensity and location of positively stained cells according to the type of lesion. The conclusion of this research indicates the need to pay attention to certain hepatic lesions in dogs and cats, and provides a reference standard for further clinical and histopathological studies. Key words: cat; dog; hepatobiliary system; immunohistochemistry; pathomorphology Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti patološke poremecaje hepatobilijarnog sustava u pasa i macaka uzgajanih na podrucju grada Ankare, te odrediti vrstu i ucestalost promatranih lezija. Osim toga cilj je bio utvrditi regeneraciju jetre kao reakciju na ozljedu u razlicitim hepatobilijarnim lezijama primjenom imunohistokemijskih metoda. Makroskopski i mikroskopski su pretraženo jetre od 56 macaka i 74 psa nakon postmortalne analize. Uzorci s jetrenom fibrozom imunohistokemijski su obojeni protutijelima a-SMA. Lezije su nadene u 98% jetara pretraženih pasa i macaka. U macaka je najcešca histopatološka dijagnoza bio hepatitis (39,28%), hepatocelularna lipidoza (16,07%) i kolangitis/kolangiohepatitis (14,28%). U pasa je najcešci bio hepatitis (28,38%), zatim pasivna kongestija (25,68%) i proliferativne lezije (21,62%). Za neke su hepatobilijarne lezije promatrani pasminska, dobna i spolna predispozicija. Imunohistokemijski a-SMA protutijela pozitivno su obojila parenhimske, portalne i septalne miofibroblaste. Dokazana je pozitivna korelacija medu rezultatima imunohistokemije pomocu a-SMA i histokemijske fibroze. Ovo je prvo istraživanje u Turskoj koje donosi i incidenciju hepatobilijarnih lezija u macaka i pasa i njihova patomorfološka svojstva. Kad je rijec o regeneraciji, promatrana je važna uloga jetrenih miofibroblasta u jetrenoj fibrozi. Pronadena je varijacija u intenzitetu i lokaciji pozitivno objenih stanica s obzirom na vrstu lezije. Zakljucak ovog istraživanja jest da treba obratiti pozornost na odredene jetrene lezije u pasa i macaka što pruža referentnu normu za daljnja klinicka i histopatološka istraživanja. Kljucne rijeci: pas; macka; hepatobilijarni sustav; imunohistokemija; patomorfologija