
A Possible Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation Experiment at PF1B at the Institut Laue Langevin
Document Type
Academic Journal
Symmetry (Basel). December, 2021, Vol. 13 Issue 12
We consider a possible neutron–antineutron (n−n¯) oscillation experiment at the PF1B instrument at Institut Laue Langevin. It can improve the best existing constraint on the transition rate and also allow the testing of the methods and instrumentation which would be needed for a later larger-scale experiment at ESS. The main gain factors over the most competitive experiment, performed earlier at PF1 instrument at ILL, are: a more intense neutron beam and a new operating mode based on coherent n and n¯ mirror reflections. The installation of such an experiment would need a temporary replacement of the existing ballistic neutron guide by a specially designed n/n¯ guide with a gradually increasing cross section and a specially selected coating as well as the development and construction of an advanced n¯ annihilation detector with a high efficiency and low background. The overall gain factor could reach up to an order of magnitude and depends on the chosen experiment configuration.
Author(s): Vladimir Gudkov [1]; Esben Klinby [2]; Bernhard Meirose [3,4]; David Milstead [3]; Valery V. Nesvizhevsky (corresponding author) [5,*]; Konstantin V. Protasov [6]; Nicola Rizzi [2]; Valentina Santoro [7]; William [...]