
Giant Brain Hydatid Cyst in an Adult: A New Case Report/Bir Yetiskinde Dev Beyin Hidatik Kisti: Yeni Bir Olgu Sunumu
Case Report/Olgu Sunumu
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Parasitology. March 2021, Vol. 45 Issue 1, p76, 4 p.
INTRODUCTION Hydatid disease, a significant health problem in many developing countries, have a complicated life cycle composed of canine as a definitive host and ruminant and accidentally human as an [...]
Cystic echinococcosis is an important zoonotic disease that occurs in humans and mammals in general, which causes considerable economic loss and poses health concerns in different parts of the world. The patient involved in this case report was a 28-year old man living in Birjand city who had been suffering from intermittent headache, nausea and vomiting for the past two weeks. The other symptoms presented by the patient were dizziness, blurred vision, seizures and imbalance. The patient only complained of headache in the last two weeks and had no symptoms of visual or speech impairment. He had a history of consuming raw vegetables, but did not have canine contact. In brain computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, a large cyst was evident in his brain. The patient was admitted to Razi Hospital in Birjand and followed-up by surgical treatment of the hydatid cyst, with no complications observed. Keywords: Hydatid cyst, brain, Birjand Kistik ekinokokkoz, insanlar ve memelilerde; dünyanin farkli bölgelerinde dikkate deger ekonomik kayiplara ve halk sagligi sorunlarina neden olan önemli bir zoonotik hastaliktir. Birjand sehrinde yasayan 28 yasindaki erkek hasta son iki hafta içinde zaman zaman basagrisi, mide bulantisi ve kusma geçiren bir giyim saticisiydi. Diger belirtiler bas dönmesi, bulanik görme, nöbetler ve dengesizlikti. Hasta sadece son iki hafta içinde basagrisindan yakinmaktaydi ve görme bozuklugu veya konusma semptomlari yoktu. Hasta çig sebze tüketme öyküsünden bahsetti fakat köpekle temas öyküsü bulunmuyordu. Bilgisayarli beyin tomografisi ve manyetik rezonans görüntülemede beyinde büyük bir kist görüldü. Hasta Birjand'da Razi Hastanesi'ne yatirildi ve herhangi bir komplikasyon olmadan kist hidatik cerrahi tedavisi ile takip edildi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hidatik kist, beyin, Birjand