
Circulating Candida-specific anti-mannan antibodies precede invasive candidiasis in patients undergoing myelo-ablative chemotherapy
Document Type
Academic Journal
Clinical Microbiology and Infection. April, 2009, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p380, 7 p.
To authenticate to the full-text of this article, please visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-0691.2008.02654.x Byline: F. M. Verduyn Lunel (1,2), J. P. Donnelly (2,3), H. A. L. van der Lee (1,2), N. M. A. Blijlevens (2,3), P. E. Verweij (1,2) Keywords: Antibody; antigen; Candida; haematology; kinetics; neutropenia Abstract: Abstract The kinetics of circulating Candida mannan and anti-mannan antibodies were studied in consecutive plasma samples, obtained upon hospital admission, of 21 patients with microbiologically proven invasive candidiasis and 30 control patients who underwent myelo-ablative chemotherapy. The detection of Candida anti-mannan antibodies preceded the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in infected patients, and the antibodies were detected significantly more often in patients who had experienced multiple episodes of neutropenia than in the control group (OR 8.9, 95% CI 5.6-14.3; p patients might be associated with an increased risk of developing clinically manifest invasive candidiasis. Author Affiliation: (1)) Department of Medical Microbiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen (2)) Nijmegen University Centre for Infectious Diseases, Nijmegen (3)) Department of Haematology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Article History: Original Submission: 25 March 2008; Revised Submission: 16 July 2008; Accepted: 17 July 2008 Editor: M. Cavling Arundrup Article note: Corresponding author and reprint requests: P. E. Verweij, Department of Medical Microbiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands, E-mail: p.verweij@mmb.umcn.nl