
Market uptake of new antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis C
Document Type
Journal of Hepatology. Oct, 2008, Vol. 49 Issue 4, p528, 9 p.
Hepatitis C -- Drug therapy
Antiviral agents
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2008.04.021 Byline: Beate Lettmeier (1), Nikolai Muhlberger (1), Ruth Schwarzer (1), Gaby Sroczynski (1), Davene Wright (2), Stefan Zeuzem (3), Uwe Siebert (1)(2) Keywords: Hepatitis C; Peginterferon; Market uptake; Market access Abstract: Peginterferon plus ribavirin is the state-of-the-art antiviral therapy for prevention of serious complications of hepatitis C. Our aim was to compare market uptake of and access to these drugs across Europe. Author Affiliation: (1) Department of Public Health, Medical Decision Making and Health Technology Assessment, UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, EWZ I, A-6060 Hall i.T., Austria (2) Institute for Technology Assessment, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (3) Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Pneumology and Endocrinology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany Article History: Received 18 January 2008; Revised 28 March 2008; Accepted 16 April 2008 Article Note: (footnote) [star] This project was supported in part by an unrestricted educational grant from Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland. N.M. and U.S. have received travel support from Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd. to present preliminary results of the study to different audiences. G.S. and U.S. have received unrestricted grants from Roche and Schering Plough to perform cost-effectiveness studies for hepatitis C. S.Z. has received honoraria for lectures and advisory board meetings and served as clinical investigator for Roche and Schering Plough. G.S. and U.S. have received funding from different health technology assessment agencies to perform health technology assessments related to hepatitis C (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, German Agency for Health Technology Assessment at the German Institute for Medical Information and Documentation/German Federal Ministry of Health, Institute for Technology Assessment at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Technology Assessment).