
Potential Mobile Health Applications for Improving the Mental Health of the Elderly: A Systematic Review
Document Type
Clinical Interventions in Aging. September 30, 2023, Vol. 18, p1523, 11 p.
The rapid aging of the global population presents challenges in providing mental health care resources for older adults aged 65 and above. The COVLD-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the global population's psychological distress due to social isolation and distancing. Thus, there is an urgent need to update scholarly knowledge on the effectiveness of mHealth applications to improve older people's mental health. This systematic review summarizes recent literature on chatbots aimed at enhancing mental health and well-being. Sixteen papers describing six apps or prototypes were reviewed, indicating the practicality, feasibility, and acceptance of chatbots for promoting mental health in older adults. Engaging with chatbots led to improvements in well-being and stress reduction, as well as a decrement in depressive symptoms. Mobile health applications addressing these studies are categorized for reference. Keywords: chatbot, mHealth application, older adults, mental health
Introduction The World Health Organization indicates that the proportion of individuals over 60 years old will rise from 12% to 22%. (1) Due to the rapid aging of the global [...]