
Beta-Haemolytic Group A, C and G Streptococcal Infections in Southern Hungary: A 10-Year Population-Based Retrospective Survey (2008-2017) and a Review of the Literature
Document Type
Academic Journal
Infection and Drug Resistance. December 31, 2020, Vol. 13, p4739, 11 p.
Eastern Europe
Introduction: Pyogenic [beta]-hemolytic streptococci (including Group A, C and G Streptococcus) are some of the most important Gram-positive bacterial pathogens in human medicine. Although effective therapy is available, invasive streptococcal infections are associated with a significant disease burden. Methods: In this retrospective study, the epidemiological characteristics of invasive Group A (iGAS) and Group C and G (iGCGS) streptococci, along with tonsillo-pharyngitis-causing pGAS and pGCGS infections, were assessed in Southern Hungary. A total of 1554 cases of streptococcal tonsillo-pharyngitis infections (26.5-44.1/100,000 persons, pGAS: 95.5%; n=1484) and 1104 cases of invasive streptococcal infections were detected (12.5-31.4/ 100,000 persons, iGAS: 77.9%; n=861). Results: The average age of the affected patients in the various groups were the following: pGAS: 13.2 [+ or -] 13.1 years, pGCGS: 21.0 [+ or -] 15.0 years (p=0.039), iGAS: 49.1 [+ or -] 12.8 years, iGCGS: 58.7 [+ or -] 18.5 years (p>0.05). iGAS isolates originated from abscesses (47.1%), blood culture samples (24.1%), surgical samples (16.7%), biopsies (4.6%), pleural fluid (3.5%), pus (2.0%), synovial fluid (1.3%) and cerebrospinal fluid samples (0.7%). In contrast, iGCGS isolates mainly originated from blood culture samples (53.8%), abscesses (22.9%), surgical samples (12.3%), synovial fluid (5.1%), pleural fluid (3.7%), pus (1.8%) and cerebrospinal fluid samples (0.4%). All respective isolates were susceptible to benzyl-penicillin; overall resistance levels for erythromycin (10.5% for GAS, 21.4% for GCGS) and clindamycin (9.2% for GAS, 17.2% for GCGS) were significantly higher in GCGS isolates, while resistance levels for norfloxacin were higher in GAS isolates (13.5% for GAS, 6.9% for GCGS). Conclusion: The rates of resistance to macrolides and clindamycin are a cause for concern (especially among GCGS isolates); however, resistance levels are still relatively low, compared to Southern European countries. Keywords: epidemiology, antibiotics, group A Streptococcus, group C Streptococcus, group G Streptococcus, Hungary, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis
Introduction Pyogenic [beta]-hemolytic streptococci (consisting of Streptococcus pyogenes [Group A Streptococcus; GAS], S. agalactiae [Group B Streptococcus], S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (SDSE; relevant in human disease) and S. dysgalactiae subsp. [...]