
The Impact of Climate Change on Chronic Kidney Disease /Iklim Degisikliginin Kronik Bobrek Hastaligi Uzerindeki Etkisi
Document Type
Bezmialem Science. October 2023, Vol. 11 Issue 4, p460, 6 p.
Introduction One of the biggest hazards to human health in the twenty-first century is climate warming, which is responsible for 12.6 million deaths in the world (1). Both kidney illness [...]
Climate change problems like air pollution and global warming are assumed to be related to human activity. Global warming and air pollution are related issues. The state of health is assumed to be negatively impacted by these climatic changes, particularly in terms of the incidence and progression of chronic kidney disease. The aim of this review is to update physicians on how air pollution and global warming affect kidney disease. Keywords: Climate change, chronic kidney disease, heat stroke, particulate matter Hava kirliligi ve kuresel lsinma gibi iklim degisildigi sorunlarinin insan faaliyetleriyle ilgili oldugu varsayilmaktadir. Kuresel isinma ve hava kirliligi birbiriyle iliskili konulardir. Saglik durumunun, ozellikle kronik bobrek hastaligi insidansi ve ilerlemesi acisindan, bu iklim degisikliklerinden olumsuz etkilendigi varsayilmaktadir. Bu derlemenin amaci, hekimleri hava kirliligi ve kuresel isinmanin bobrek hastaligini nasil etkiledigi konusunda guncellemektir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Iklim degijikligi, kronik bobrek hastaligi, sicak carpmasi, partikul madde