
Evaluation of Parental Employment Status and Occupational Characteristics of Pediatric COVID-19 Cases/Pediatrik COVID-19 Olgularinin Ebeveyn Istihdam Durumu ve Mesleki Ozelliklerinin Degerlendirilmesi
Original Article/Orijinal Arastirma
Document Type
Academic Journal
Forbes Journal of Medicine. August 2023, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p134, 7 p.
Health care costs -- Analysis
Parenting -- Analysis
Coronaviruses -- Analysis
Pediatrics -- Analysis
Households -- Analysis
Epidemiology -- Analysis
COVID-19 -- Analysis
Medical care, Cost of -- Analysis
INTRODUCTION The Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, spread rapidly worldwide and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, [...]
Objective: This study examines the epidemiological characteristics, employment status, and professional characteristics of children and their parents who had been diagnosed with Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Methods: The study population consisted of 300 children with COVID-19 who applied to our hospital between October 2020 and January 2021. During the interviews, the working status of the parents, the sector they work in, occupational groups, household income levels, health insurance, COVID-19 expenditures, and income scores were recorded. Results: The median age of the cases was 156 [minimum-maximum (min-max): 7-216] months and 157 (52.3%) were girls. There were 75 (25%) working mothers and 254 (84.7%) fathers among the parents. There were 11 (3.7%) parents who were unemployed due to the pandemic. The median household income was 3000 (min-max: 0-25000) Turkish liras/361 (min-max: 0-3012) US dollars, and 128 cases (42.7%) spent due to COVID-19. When the cases were compared according to their COVID-19 spending status, it was seen that permanent working fathers had more expenditures related to COVID-19 than non-permanent fathers (p=0.019). Participants with a household income score of 0-5 were found to spend less due to COVID-19 than participants with a household income score of 6-10 (p=0.029). Conclusion: The population of our study consists of families with low household income and predominantly working in basic occupations. It is noteworthy that the economic burden on families has increased with COVID-19 infection. Moreover, families are negatively affected economically due to job losses and increased expenditures during the pandemic period. Keywords: COVID-19, parent, occupational health, household income, expenditure Amac: Bu calisma, Koronavirus hastaligi-2019 (COVID-19) olan cocuklarin ve ebeveynlerinin epidemiyolojik ozelliklerini, calisma durumlarini ve mesleki ozelliklerini incelemeyi amaclamaktadir. Yontem: Arastirma evrenini Ekim 2020-Ocak 2021 tarihleri arasinda hastanemize basvuran COVID-19 tanili 300 cocuk olgu olusturdu. Gorusmeler sirasinda ebeveynlerin calisma durumlari, calistiklari sektor, meslek gruplari, hane gelir duzeyleri, saglik sigortasi, COVID-19 harcamalari ve gelir puanlari kaydedildi. Bulgular: Olgularin ortanca yaslari 156 [minimum-maksimum (min-maks): 7-216] aydi ve 157'si (%52,3) kizdi. Ebeveynler arasinda 75 (%25) calisan anne ve 254 (%84,7) baba bulunmaktaydi. Pandemi nedeniyle issiz kalan 11 (%3,7) ebeveyn vardi. Ortalama hane geliri 3000 (min-maks: 0-25000) Turk lirasi/361 (min-maks: 0-3012) ABD dolari idi. Olgularin 128'i (%42,7) COVID-19 nedeniyle harcanma yapmislardi. Olgular COVID-19 harcama durumlarina gore karsilastirildiginda, kadrolu calisan babalarin kadrosuz calisan babalara gore COVID-19 ile ilgili harcamalarinin daha fazla oldugu goruldu (p=0,019). Hane geliri puani 0-5 olan katilimcilarin, hane geliri puani 6-10 olan katilimcilara gore COVID-19 nedeniyle daha az harcama yaptiklari goruldu (p=0,029). Sonuc: Arastirmamizin evrenini, hane geliri dusuk ve agirlikli olarak temel mesleklerde calisan ailelerden olusmaktadir. COVID-19 enfeksiyonu ile birlikte ailelerin uzerindeki ekonomik yukun artmasi dikkat cekicidir. Ayrica pandemi doneminde is kayiplari ve artan harcamalar nedeniyle ailelerin ekonomik olarak olumsuz etkilendigi anlasilmaktadir. Anahtar Kelimeler: COVID-19, ebeveyn, is sagligi, hane geliri, harcama