
Genetic Aspects of Child and Adolescent Alcohol-Substance Use Problems/Cocuk ve Ergen Alkol-Madde Kullanim Sorunlarinin Genetik Yonu
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. March, 2024, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p1, 15 p.
Genetic research -- Physiological aspects -- Analysis -- Genetic aspects
Marijuana -- Analysis -- Physiological aspects
Genetic polymorphisms -- Analysis -- Physiological aspects -- Genetic aspects
Dopamine receptors -- Genetic aspects -- Physiological aspects -- Analysis
Drugs and youth -- Risk factors -- Genetic aspects
GABA -- Physiological aspects -- Analysis
Genetic effects in child-adolescent drug use dependence are generally affected by age, gender, specific drug and stage of use. The genetic effect in alcohol-drug use increases with increasing age and the stage of use. In children and adolescents, genetic studies are mostly are carried out within the framework of gene-environment interactions, because environmental effects are more evident. No genetic analysis method adequately explains the variance, so the explanation of the phenotypic variance by the genetic effect during adolescence is low. Genetic studies related to alcohol-drug use disorders in children and adolescents focused more on tobacco/nicotine, alcohol and cannabis. Dopaminergic (DRD2, DRD4), serotonergic (5-HTTLPR), GABAergic (GABRA2, SLC6A1; GABRA6), oxytocin, opioid (OPRM1) and nicotinic receptor systems (CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4) have been studied more frequently. In adolescents, genes associated with drug metabolism may play a greater role for abuse and/or addiction, while subjective effects of drugs may be important for regular and/or intensive use and novelty seeking/risk taking in initiation. Adolescents with any family history and/or environmental risk factor along with any of the risk gene polymorphisms should be considered as a genetically high risk group. Keywords: Alcohol, substance, addiction, genetics, adolescence Cocuk-ergen alkol-madde kullanim bozuklugunda (MKB) genetik etkiler, genel olarak yas, cinsiyet, ozgul madde ve kullanim evresinden etkilenmektedir. Alkol-madde kullaniminda genetik etki, yas ve kullanim evresi ilerledikce artmaktadir. Cocuk ve ergenlerde, cevresel etkilerin daha belirgin olmasi nedeniyle, genetik calismalar daha cok gen-cevre etkilesimleri cercevesinde yapilmaktadir. Hicbir genetik analiz yontemi, varyansi yeterince aciklamamaktadir, dolayisiyla ergenlik doneminde genetik etkinin fenotipik varyansi aciklamasi dusuktur. Genetik calismalar, cocuk ve ergen MKB ile ilgili daha cok tutun/nikotin, alkol ve esrar uzerine odaklanmistir. Daha sik olarak dopaminerjik (DRD2, DRD4), serotonerjik (5-HTTLPR), GABAerjik (GABRA2, SLC6A1; GABRA6), oksitosin, opioid (OPRM1), ve nikotinik reseptor (CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4) sistemleri incelenmistir. Ergenlerde madde kullanimina baslama icin yenilik arama ve risk alma, duzenli ve/veya yosun kullanim icin maddelerin oznel etkileri, kotuye kullanim ve/veya bagimlilik icin madde metabolizmasi ile iliskili genler daha fazla rol oynayabilir. Genetik acidan yuksek riskli grup olarak aile oykusu ve/veya cevresel risk faktoru ile birlikte riskli gen polimorfizmlerinden herhangi birine sahip ergenler akla gelmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Alkol, madde, bagimlilik, genetik, ergenlik
Giris Cocuk ve ergenlerde alkol-madde kullanimi, genel olarak erken-orta ergenlikte baslar, gec ergenlikte duzenli ve sorunlu kullanima ilerler ve erken eriskinlikte alkol-madde kullanim bozukluguna (MKB) donusur. Ergenlik, fizyolojik, bilissel, cevresel [...]