
Interrater Reliability of Criteria Based Content Analyses of Sexually Abused Children's Statement in Turkey/Turkiye'de Cinsel Istismar Magduru Cocuklarin Beyanlarinda Olcut Bazli Icerik Analizine Gore Degerlendiriciler Arasi Guvenilirlik
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. March 2021, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p52, 8 p.
Giris Turkiye'deki son resmi istatistik verilerine gore 18.623 cocuk, cinsel suclarin magduru olarak guvenlik birimlerine gelmis veya getirilmis, magduru olduklari olaya iliskin beyanda bulunmustur. (1) Cocukluk cagi cinsel istismarinda, iddia [...]
Objectives: Criteria Based Content Analysis (CBCA) is a forensic tool that consists of 19 criteria used in distinguishing of true/false statements. In this study, it is aimed to present the first data about the interrater reliability (IRR) of CBCA of sexually abused (SA) children's statements in Turkey. Materials and Methods: Four independent raters (two psychologists and two child psychiatrists) evaluated 31 statements of SA children with CBCA. Each criterion was scored as 0, absent; 1, slightly present; and 2, strongly present. The criteria coded as 1 and 2 were accepted as 'present'. IRR was calculated by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Pearson correlation test for each criterion and for the total score of CBCA. Results: Among all raters, an average of 13 criteria, with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 18 criteria for each interview, were marked as 'present'. It was determined that the IRR was strong among all raters in terms of the total score of the CBCA, while examined according to criteria specifically, it was weak in the criteria of 'admitting lack of memory, external associations and details characteristics of the offence', and it was medium-good in the other criteria. However, when the child psychiatrists and psychologists were evaluated among themselves, the IRR was weak in most of the CBCA criteria, and only good in the criteria of 'reproduction of conversation and pardoning the perpetrator' in both rater groups. Conclusion: In this study, the raters had a low agreement in most of the criteria of CBCA. This infers the credibility of statements can not be interpreted only with CBCA. Further research is needed to assess the content of forensic interviews of SA victims in Turkey. Keywords: Child sexual abuse, statement validity, interrater reliability, criteria based content analyses, Turkey Amac: Olcut bazli icerik analizi (OBIA), cinsel istismar magduru cocuklarin gercek/yalan beyan ayriminda kullanilan 19 olcutten olusan adli bir olcektir. Bu calismada, Turkiye'deki cinsel istismar magduru cocuklarin beyanlarinda OBIA'ya gore degerlendiriciler arasi guvenilirlige (DAG) yonelik ilk verileri sunmak amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bagimsiz dort degerlendirici (iki psikolog ve iki cocuk psikiyatristi) cinsel istismar magduru cocuklara ait 31 adli gorusmeyi degerlendirmistir. Her bir olcut 0; yok, 1; mevcut ve 2; guclu mevcut olarak kodlanmis, 1 ve 2 olarak kodlanan olcutler 'var' kabul edilmistir. DAG, her bir olcut ve toplam OBIA skoru icin intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) ve Pearson korelasyon testi ile degerlendirilmistir. Bulgular: Tum degerlendiriciler arasinda her bir gorusme icin en az 8 en fazla 18 olcut olmak uzere ortalama 13 olcutun 'var' olarak isaretlendigi saptanmistir. OBIA toplam skoru acisindan tum degerlendiriciler arasinda guvenilirligin guclu oldugu, olcut bazindan bakildiginda 'hafizanin yanilabilirligini kabul, ilintili dissal detaylar ve suca dair spesifik ozellikler' olcutlerinde DAG'nin zayif oldugu, diger olcutlerde guvenilirligin orta-guclu oldugu saptanmistir. Ote yandan cocuk psikiyatristleri ve psikologlar kendi arasinda degerlendirildiginde OBIA olcutleri acisindan guvenilirligin buyuk oranda zayif oldugu yalnizca 'diyaloglarin alintilanmasi ve saldirgani affetme' olcutleri acisindan her iki degerlendirici grubunda da guvenilirligin guclu oldugu bulunmustur. Sonuc: Bu calisma, bircok OBIA olcutu icin DAG'nin zayif oldugunu gostermistir. Bu da magdur beyanlarinin guvenilirliginin yalnizca OBIA'ya gore degerlendirilemeyecegi seklinde yorumlanmistir. Turkiye'de cinsel istismar magduru cocuklarin beyanlarinin icerigini degerlendiren ileri arastirmalara ihtiyac vardir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Cocuk cinsel istismari, beyanin guvenilirligi, degerlendiriciler arasi guvenilirlik, olcut bazli icerik analizi, Turkiye