
Surface tension and suspensibility of spray liquids of fungicides, insecticides and non-pesticide substances depending on water quality/Povrsinski napon i suspenzibilnost radnih tecnosti fungicida, insekticida i nepesticidnih supstanci zavisno od kvaliteta vode
Document Type
Hemijska Industrija. July 1, 2015, p371, 10 p.
The aim of this work was to determine the surface tension and suspensibility of spray liquids of fungicides (Quadris and Dithane M-70), insecticides (Actara WG-25 and Cipkord EC-20) and two and/or three component mixtures with nonpesticide substances (complex fertilizer--Mortonjic plus and aduvant--Sillwet L-77), depending on water quality. For this work the following waters were used: well water from Becej (slightly alkaline, slightly soft), well water from Adice (slightly alkaline, very hard), tap water from Novi Sad (neutral, slightly hard) and surface water from Sava and Karas rivers (slightly alkaline, slightly hard). Surface tension of fungicide and insecticide spray liquids and their mixtures in mentioned waters was determined using tensiometer and suspensibility according to a standard method (CIPAC MT 15). The surface tension of all tested waters was high. However, the reduction of surface tension by 50% (or more in water from Sava river) compared to the control waters, was achieved by adding the aduvant (Sillwet L-77) and insecticide formulated as emulsifiable concentrate (Cipkord EC-20). Surface tension was slightly decreased in a single component spray liquids of fungicides and the complex fertilizer, as well as in mixtures that did not contain aduvant and/or Cipkord EC-20, regardless on water quality. Suspensibility of all spray liquids, regardless on tested water was above the lower limit (60%). In general, the suspensibility in case of all mixtures containing Dithane M-70 was reduced compared to Dithane M-70 spray liquid, in all tested waters. The most pronounced decrease in suspensibility, below 70%, was registered in the case of spray liquids with tap water, compared to others (99.8%). Keywords: Surface tension * Suspensibility * Fungicide * Insecticide * Nonpesticide substances * Mixtures * Quality water Cilj rada je bio odredivanje povrsinskog napona i suspenzibilnosti radnih tecnosti fungicida (Quadris i Dithane M-70), insekticida (Actara 25-WG i Cipkord 20-EC) i njihovih mesavina sa nepesticidnim supstancama (komleksno dubrivo--Mortonjic plus; aduvant--Sillwet L-77), zavisno od kvaliteta vode (bunarska, cesmenska ili povrsinska), koje se koriste u poljoprivredi (navodnjavanje i primena agrohemikalija). Sve ispitane vode su imale visok povrsinski napon (63,8-68,7 mJ/[m.sup.2]). Smanjenje istog za oko 50%, u odnosu na kontrolne vode, ostvareno je aduvantom (Sillwet L-77) i preparatom formulisanim kao koncentrat za emulziju (Cipkord 20-EC) dodavanjem u radne tecnosti pesticida i nepesticidnih supstanci, a smanjenje za oko 2/3 je registrovano u vodi iz reke Save. Evidentno je smanjenje suspenzibilnosti upotrebom cesmenske vode za razliku od ostalih voda, ali i u mesavinama koje sadrze Dithane M-70. Kljucne reci: povrsinski napon, suspenzibilnost, fungicidi, insekticidi, nepesticidne komponente, mesavine, kvalitet vode. Dostupno na Internetu sa adrese casopisa: http://www.ache.org.rs/HI/
UDK 628:631.67:544 Primena pesticida u zastiti bilja protiv stetnih organizama je nuznost savremene poljoprivrede, uslovljena potrebom za ocuvanjem prinosa i proizvodnjom sve vecih kolicina hrane. Veliki broj pesticida u zastiti [...]