
The Contribution of Irish Immigrants to the Quebec (Canada) Gene Pool: An Estimation Using Data from Deep-Rooted Genealogies; La contribution des immigrants irlandais au pool genique du Quebec (Canada) : une estimation a partir de donnees genealogiques
Document Type
European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de Demographie. May, 2009, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p215, 19 p.
Immigrants -- Social aspects
Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects
European settlement in Quebec (Canada) began in the early 17th century, with the arrival of French pioneers. After the British Conquest in 1760, immigrants from the British Isles began to settle in some parts of Quebec. Many of these immigrants were Irish Catholics. Historians and genealogists have identified several names of Irish origin in the French Canadian population, and many scholars have wondered about the importance of the integration of Irish migrants and their descendants within this population. The purposes of this study are to identify and characterize the founders of Irish origin to estimate the importance of their genetic contribution to the contemporary Quebec population, and to measure the variability of this contribution according to the founders' period of arrival and county of origin in Ireland. Data was obtained from a set of 2,223 ascending genealogies going back as far as the early 17th century. The average genealogical depth is a little more than 9 generations, with many branches reaching 16 or 17 generations. Although Irish founders explain less than 1% of the total Quebec gene pool, results show that nearly 21% of the genealogies contain at least one Irish founder. These founders contributed to the peopling of all regions of Quebec, but there are some important variations from one region to another. A majority of the Irish founders immigrated during the 19th century, and most of them came from the counties of Southern Ireland. Abstract (French): Le peuplement d'origine europeenne au Quebec (Canada) a commence au debut du 17.sup.e siecle avec l'arrivee de pionniers venus de France. Suite a la conquete anglaise de 1760, des immigrants en provenance des iles britanniques se sont installes sur le territoire quebecois. Plusieurs de ces immigrants etaient des Irlandais catholiques. Des historiens et genealogistes ont identifie de nombreux patronymes d'origine irlandaise parmi la population canadienne-francaise et certains chercheurs se sont interroges a propos de l'integration des immigrants irlandais et de leurs descendants au sein de cette population. L'objectif de cette etude est d'identifier les fondateurs d'origine irlandaise et de caracteriser leur contribution genetique a la population contemporaine du Quebec, ainsi que de mesurer la variabilite de cette contribution selon la periode d'arrivee et le comte d'origine en Irlande. Les donnees proviennent d'un corpus de 2223 genealogies ascendantes remontant jusqu'au debut du 17.sup.e siecle. La profondeur moyenne des genealogies est d'un peu plus de 9 generations, plusieurs branches atteignant 16 ou 17 generations. Les fondateurs irlandais expliquent moins de 1% du pool genique quebecois, mais pres de 21% des genealogies contiennent au moins un fondateur irlandais. Ces fondateurs ont contribue au peuplement de toutes les regions du Quebec, avec toutefois quelques variations importantes d'une region a l'autre. La majorite des fondateurs irlandais identifies ont immigre au 19.sup.e siecle et provenaient principalement des comtes du sud de l'Irlande.