
[summation over (term)].sup.-antihyperon correlations in Z.sup.0 decay and investigation of the baryon production mechanism
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Abbiendi, G.Ainsley, C.Akesson, P. F.Alexander, G.Anagnostou, G.Anderson, K. J.Asai, S.Axen, D.Bailey, I.Barberio, E.Barillari, T.Barlow, R. J.Batley, R. J.Bechtle, P.Behnke, T.Bell, K. W.Bell, P. J.Bella, G.Bellerive, A.Benelli, G.Bethke, S.Biebel, O.Boeriu, O.Bock, P.Boutemeur, M.Braibant, S.Brown, R. M.Burckhart, H. J.Campana, S.Capiluppi, P.Carnegie, R. K.Carter, A. A.Carter, J. R.Chang, C. Y.Charlton, D. G.Ciocca, C.Csilling, A.Cuffiani, M.Dado, S.Dallavalle, M.Roeck, A.Wolf, E. A.Desch, K.Dienes, B.Dubbert, J.Duchovni, E.Duckeck, G.Duerdoth, I. P.Etzion, E.Fabbri, F.Ferrari, P.Fiedler, F.Fleck, I.Ford, M.Frey, A.Gagnon, P.Gary, J. W.Geich-Gimbel, C.Giacomelli, G.Giacomelli, P.Giunta, M.Goldberg, J.Gross, E.Grunhaus, J.Gruwe, M.Gupta, A.Hajdu, C.Hamann, M.Hanson, G. G.Harel, A.Hauschild, M.Hawkes, C. M.Hawkings, R.Herten, G.Heuer, R. D.Hill, J. C.Horvath, D.Ishii, K.Jeremie, H.Jovanovic, P.Junk, T. R.Kanzaki, J.Karlen, D.Kawagoe, K.Kawamoto, T.Keeler, R. K.Kellogg, R. G.Kennedy, B. W.Kluth, S.Kobayashi, T.Kobel, M.Komamiya, S.Kramer, T.Krasznahorkay, A.Krieger, P.Krogh, J.Kuhl, T.Kupper, M.Lafferty, G. D.Landsman, H.Lanske, D.Lellouch, D.Levinson, L.Lillich, J.Lloyd, S. L.Loebinger, F. K.Lu, J.Ludwig, A.Ludwig, J.Mader, W.Marcellini, S.Martin, A. J.Mashimo, T.McKenna, J.McPherson, R. A.Meijers, F.Menges, W.Merritt, F. S.Mes, H.Meyer, N.Michelini, A.Mihara, S.Mikenberg, G.Miller, D. J.Mohr, W.Mori, T.Mutter, A.Nagai, K.Nakamura, I.Nanjo, H.Neal, H. A.O'Neale, S. W.Oh, A.Oreglia, M. J.Orito, S.Pahl, C.Pasztor, G.Pater, J. R.Pilcher, J. E.Pinfold, J.Plane, D. E.Pooth, O.PrzybycieA, M.Quadt, A.Rabbertz, K.Rembser, C.Renkel, P.Roney, J. M.Rossi, A. M.Rozen, Y.Runge, K.Sachs, K.Saeki, T.Sarkisyan, E. K. G.Schaile, A. D.Schaile, O.Scharff-Hansen, P.Schieck, J.Schorner-Sadenius, T.Schroder, M.Schumacher, M.Seuster, R.Shears, T. G.Shen, B. C.Sherwood, P.Skuja, A.Smith, A. M.Sobie, R.Soldner-Rembold, S.Spano, F.Stahl, A.Strom, D.Strohmer, R.Tarem, S.Tasevsky, M.Teuscher, R.Thomson, M. A.Torrence, E.Toya, D.Trigger, I.Trocsanyi, Z.Tsur, E.Turner-Watson, M. F.Ueda, I.Ujvari, B.Vollmer, C. F.Vannerem, P.Vertesi, R.Verzocchi, M.Voss, H.Vossebeld, J.Ward, C. P.Ward, D. R.Watkins, P. M.Watson, A. T.Watson, N. K.Wells, P. S.Wengler, T.Wermes, N.Wetterling, D.Wilson, G. W.Wilson, J. A.Wolf, G.Wyatt, T. R.Yamashita, S.Zer-Zion, D.Zivkovic, L.
The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields. Dec, 2009, Vol. 64 Issue 3, p609, 17 p.
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Collisions (Nuclear physics) -- Investigations
Collisions (Nuclear physics) -- Analysis
Astronomy -- Investigations
Astronomy -- Analysis
Nuclear physics -- Investigations
Nuclear physics -- Analysis
English as a second language -- Investigations
English as a second language -- Analysis
Data collected around =91 GeV by the OPAL experiment at the LEP [e.sup.+]e.sup.- collider are used to study the mechanism of baryon formation. As the signature, the fraction of [summation over (term)].sup.- hyperons whose baryon number is compensated by the production of a [line over (term)][SIGMA].sup.-,[line over (term)][LAMBDA] or [line over (term)][XI].sup.- antihyperon is determined. The method relies entirely on quantum number correlations of the baryons, and not rapidity correlations, making it more model independent than previous studies. Within the context of the JETSET implementation of the string hadronization model, the diquark baryon production model without the popcorn mechanism is strongly disfavored with a significance of 3.8 standard deviations including systematic uncertainties. It is shown that previous studies of the popcorn mechanism with [LAMBDA] [line over (term)][LAMBDA] and p correlations are not conclusive, if parameter uncertainties are considered.