
Involvement of occupational therapy departments in research: a provincial survey
Document Type
Academic Journal
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. December 2001, Vol. 68 Issue 5, p272, 8 p.
It is increasingly recognized that research is necessary to advance the practice of occupational therapy. The objective of this study was to determine whether occupational therapy departments in Quebec were commonly involved in research, and whether participation varied with the size of department and type of work setting. Secondly, enablers and barriers to participation in research were identified. A random sample of occupational therapy departments, stratified by size, were surveyed by mail. Participation rate was 74.8% (107/143). Participation in research was noted in half of the departments surveyed (51/107), most frequently as collaborator. Involvement in research was associated (p KEY WORDS * Professional development * Research, occupational therapy * Research personnel Il est de plus en plus reconnu que la recherche est essentielle pour l'avancement de la pratique en ergotherapie. Dans un premier temps, l'objectif de cette etude etait de determiner si les departements d'ergotherapie du Quebec participaient generalement a des projets de recherche et si le degre de participation variait en fonction de la taille du departement et du type de milieu de travail. Dans un deuxieme temps, les facteurs favorables et defavorables a la participation a la recherche ont ete determines. Des departements d'ergotherapie, selectionnes a partir d'un echantillonnage aleatoire stratifie selon la taille du departement, ont repondu a un sondage par la poste. Le taux de participation a ete de 74,8 % (107/143). La moitie des departements interroges (51/107) ont mentionne qu'ils participaient a des projets de recherche, le plus frequemment a titre de collaborateur. La participation a la recherche etait directement proportionnelle (p
It is widely recognized that research is necessary to advance the profession of occupational therapy. Experience and intuition must be replaced by empirical evidence to support the theoretical approaches, evaluation [...]