
Professional Paper
Document Type
Acta Clinica Croatica. November 2020, Vol. 59 Issue S1, p136, 10 p.
Introduction Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is a type of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma (wDTC), along with follicular and Hurthle cell carcinoma. However, PTC is much more common than the other two [...]
Surgical management of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) includes total thyroidectomy and lobectomy. After lobectomy, a reoperation called completion thyroidectomy is occasionally required. Postoperative hypocalcemia is the most common complication associated with thyroid surgery. Our main goal was to determine if there is a significant difference between the incidence rate of postoperative hypocalcemia in patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for PTC compared with patients who underwent completion thyroidectomy for PTC. Apart from that, we analyzed the following potential predictive factors for the occurrence of hypocalcemia: sex, age, size of tumor, side of tumor, maximum diameter of individual lobe, occult metastasis, and operating surgeon. The study involved 340 patients who underwent surgery for PTC at the Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Zagreb University Hospital Centre, between February 25, 2013 and January 3, 2016. Postoperative hypocalcemia incidence rates were higher in the total thyroidectomy group than in the completion thyroidectomy group (37.8% and 29.0%, respectively). However, these differences were not statistically significant. Every analyzed potential predictive factor was proven not to have any correlation with postoperative hypocalcemia. This study demonstrated that there was no significant difference between postoperative hypocalcemia rates in patients who underwent completion thyroidectomy compared with patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for PTC. Key words: papillary thyroid carcinoma, total thyroidectomy, completion thyroidectomy, hypocalcemia Kirurska terapija papilarnog karcinoma stitnjace obuhvaca totalnu tireoidektomiju i lobektomiju. Katkad je nakon lobektomije potrebno napraviti reoperaciju koja se naziva "completion" tireoidektomija. Postoperativna hipokalcijemija najcesca je komplikacija povezana s kirurgijom stitnjace. Cilj naseg rada bio je utvrditi postoji li znacajna razlika u ucestalosti postoperativne hipokalcijemije kod pacijenata koji su bili podvrgnuti totalnoj tireoidektomiji zbog papilarnog karcinoma stitnjace i pacijenata kod kojih je radena "completion" tireoidektomija zbog papilarnog karcinoma stitnjace. Osim toga analizirali smo sljedece potencijalne prediktivne faktore za pojavu hipokalcijemije: spol, dob, velicina tumora, strana tumora, maksimalni promjer pojedinacnog reznja, okultne metastaze i kirurg. U istrazivanje je bilo ukljuceno 340 pacijenata operiranih zbog papilarnog karcinoma stitnjace na Klinici za bolesti uha, grla i nosa i kirurgiju glave i vrata, KBC Zagreb, u razdoblju od 25. veljace 2013. do 3. sijecnja 2016. Ucestalost hipokalcijemije nakon totalne tirodektomije bila je veca, 37, 8% u usporedbi s 29% nakon "completion" tireoidektomije. Unatoc tome, ta razlika nije bila statisticki znacajna. Nijedan od analiziranih faktora nije doveden u korelaciju s postoperativnom hipokalcijemijom. Nase je istrazivanje pokazalo da ne postoji znacajna razlika u ucestalosti postoperativne hipokalcijemije izmedu pacijenata podvrgnutih "completion" tireoidektomiji i pacijenata podvrgnutih totalnoj tireoidektomiji zbog papilarnog karcinoma stitnjace. Kljucne rijeci: papilarni karcinom stitnjace, totalna tireoidektomija,"completion" tireoidektomija, hipokalcijemija