
Detecting clinically actionable variants in the 3' exons of PMS2 via a reflex workflow based on equivalent hybrid capture of the gene and its pseudogene
Document Type
BMC Medical Genetics. September 29, 2018, Vol. 19 Issue 1
Genetic aspects
Somatotropin -- Research
Cancer screening -- Usage
Pseudogenes -- Research
Colorectal cancer -- Genetic aspects -- Diagnosis
Author(s): Genevieve M Gould[sup.1] , Peter V Grauman[sup.1] , Mark R Theilmann[sup.1] , Lindsay Spurka[sup.1] , Irving E Wang[sup.1] , Laura M Melroy[sup.1] , Robert G Chin[sup.1] , Dustin H [...]
Background Hereditary cancer screening (HCS) for germline variants in the 3' exons of PMS2, a mismatch repair gene implicated in Lynch syndrome, is technically challenging due to homology with its pseudogene PMS2CL. Sequences of PMS2 and PMS2CL are so similar that next-generation sequencing (NGS) of short fragments--common practice in multigene HCS panels--may identify the presence of a variant but fail to disambiguate whether its origin is the gene or the pseudogene. Molecular approaches utilizing longer DNA fragments, such as long-range PCR (LR-PCR), can definitively localize variants in PMS2, yet applying such testing to all samples can have logistical and economic drawbacks. Methods To address these drawbacks, we propose and characterize a reflex workflow for variant discovery in the 3' exons of PMS2. We cataloged the natural variation in PMS2 and PMS2CL in 707 samples and designed hybrid-capture probes to enrich the gene and pseudogene with equal efficiency. For PMS2 exon 11, NGS reads were aligned, filtered using gene-specific variants, and subject to standard diploid variant calling. For PMS2 exons 12-15, the NGS reads were permissively aligned to PMS2, and variant calling was performed with the expectation of observing four alleles (i.e., tetraploid calling). In this reflex workflow, short-read NGS identifies potentially reportable variants that are then subject to disambiguation via LR-PCR-based testing. Results Applying short-read NGS screening to 299 HCS samples and cell lines demonstrated >99% analytical sensitivity and >99% analytical specificity for single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and short insertions and deletions (indels), as well as >96% analytical sensitivity and >99% analytical specificity for copy-number variants. Importantly, 92% of samples had resolved genotypes from short-read NGS alone, with the remaining 8% requiring LR-PCR reflex. Conclusion Our reflex workflow mitigates the challenges of screening in PMS2 and serves as a guide for clinical laboratories performing multigene HCS. To facilitate future exploration and testing of PMS2 variants, we share the raw and processed LR-PCR data from commercially available cell lines, as well as variant frequencies from a diverse patient cohort. Keywords: PMS2, PMS2CL, Lynch syndrome, Hereditary cancer screening, Reflex testing