
A Case of Neurosyphilis with Isolated Optic Neuritis/Izole Optik Norit ile Prezente Olan Norosifiliz Olgusu
Document Type
Academic Journal
Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. March, 2024, Vol. 77 Issue 1, p119, 3 p.
Medical research
Medicine, Experimental
Sexually transmitted diseases
We aimed to present a case of syphilis presenting with only ocular involvement and no dermatologic or neurologic or other systemic findings. In the patient who had blurred vision and decreased color vision in the left eye that started 3 months ago. In laboratory and radiological examinations for optic neuritis etiology, we detected the presence of syphilis with serological tests such as venereal disease research laboratory and treponema pallidum hemagglutination test. Ophthalmoscopic examination of the patient was normal on the left, and the visual evoked potential latency was longer than on the right. The patient was considered to have chronic retrobulbar neuritis. Optic involvement of syphilis can usually be unilateral or bilateral perineuritis, anterior or retrobulbar neuritis, or papilledema. In the presentation of optic neuritis observed in syphilis, there is often an expected asymptomatic course, but sometimes rapidly progressive vision loss may occur. In this case, a case of neurosyphilis presenting with isolated optic neuritis who is symptomatic, has a good clinical response to the primary treatment of syphilis and has almost completely healed is presented. Key Words: Optic neuritis, shyphilis, neurosyphilis Sadece okuler tutulum ile prezente olan ve dermatolojik ya da norolojik ve baska bir sistemik bulgusu olmayan, bir sifiliz olgusunu sunmayi amacladik. Sol gozde 3 ay once baslayan bulanik gorme ve renkli gormede azalma sikayeti bulunan hastada, optik norit etiyolojisine yonelik yapilan laboratuvar ve radyolojik incelemelerde sifilizin varligini venereal hastalik arastirma laboratuvari ve treponema pallidum hemaglutinasyon testi gibi serolojik testlerle tespit ettik. Hastanin solda goz dibi bakisi normaldi, gorsel uyarilmis potansiyeli latansi saga gore sinirda uzun bulundu. Indirekt oftalmoskopik incelemede major patoloji saptanmadi. Hasta kronik retrobulber norit olarak kabul edildi. Sifilizin optik tutulumu genellikle tek tarafli ya da bilateral perinorit, anterior veya retrobulber norit ya da papil odem seklinde olabilir. Sifilizde gozlenen optik norit tablosunda siklikla beklenen asemptomatik gidis olmakla birlikte bazen hizli progresyon gosteren vizyon kaybi olabilir. Bu olguda semptomatik, sifilizin primer tedavisine klinik yaniti iyi olan ve tama yakin iyilesme gosteren izole optik noritle prezente olan norosifiliz olgusu sunulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Optik norit, sifiliz, norosifiliz
Giris Sifiliz Treponema pallidum etkenli birden fazla sistemi tutan kronik bir hastaliktir. Insan immun yetmezlik virusu (HIV) enfeksiyonunun prevalansindaki artis ile birlikte sifiliz gibi gonorel enfeksiyonlarda da belirgin artis bildirilmistir [...]