
Burnout in Turkish Adult Neurology Specialists/Turk Eriskin Noroloji Uzmanlarinda Tukenmislik
Document Type
Academic Journal
Namik Kemal Medical Journal (Namik Kemal Tıp Dergisi). September, 2023, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p276, 8 p.
Patients -- Care and treatment
Aim: Burnout in medical doctors may worse affect patient care or physical performance of clinician. We aimed to investigate the burnout ratio and the factors associated with burnout in Turkish neurology specialists. Materials and Methods: The neurology specialists in Turkey were included in the study. The participants were asked to fill a questionnaire comprised of 33 questions regarding various thoughts and experiences. The participants gave a response to the questions as follows: strongly disagree, slightly agree, moderately agree, strongly agree, completely agree. According to the meaning value of the question (negative or positive meaning), the answer was given a point in a range of 1-5. Sum of points divided by the maximum point (165) gave a burnout ratio. Results: The mean age was 38.78 ([+ or -] 8.42) years, and the female/male ratio was 461/255. The mean burnout ratio was found to be 46.73% ([+ or -] 8.95). Male sex, academic membership, higher academic degree, working in medical faculty hospital, lower salary, being single or nonparent, nightshift, absence of on call work, or working in the intensive care unit were detected to be associated with a higher burnout ratio. Burnout ratio was in positive correlation with age, number of patients examined, and duration of working hours, but in negative correlation with number of auxiliary staff or neurologists in hospital. Conclusion: Our study is the first study to demonstrate a high burnout ratio in a large sample of Turkish adult neurology specialists. Being male, older, academician, professor, single or nonparent, working in medical faculty hospital or in intensive care, low salary, nightshift, and high patient number or working hours seem to be associated with burnout. Keywords: Burnout, neurology, Turkish, neurologist Amac: Tip doktorlarinda tukenmislik hasta bakimini veya klinisyenin fiziksel performansini kotu etkileyebilir. Calismamizda Turk noroloji uzmanlarindaki tukenmislik oranini ve tukenmislikle iliskili faktorleri arastirmayi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya Turkiye'deki noroloji uzmanlari dahil edildi. Katilimcilardan cesitli dusunce ve deneyimler ile iliskili 33 sorudan olusan bir anketi doldurmalari istendi. Katilimcilar sorulara su sekilde cevap verdiler: Kesinlikle katilmiyorum, kismen katiliyorum, katiliyorum, kuvvetle katiliyorum, kesinlikle katiliyorum. Sorunun anlamina gore (negatif veya pozitif), verilen cevap 1-5 arasinda puanlandirildi. Puanlarin toplaminin maksimum (165) puana bolunmesiyle tukenmislik orani elde edildi. Bulgular: Ortalama yas 38,78 ([+ or -] 8,42) yil, kadin/erkek orani 461/255 olarak bulundu. Ortalama tukenmislik orani %46,73 ([+ or -] 8,95) idi. Erkek cinsiyet, akademisyenlik, akademik derecenin yuksek olmasi, tip fakultesi hastanesinde calismak, dusuk maas, bekar olmak, ebeveyn olmamak, nobet tutmak, icapci olmamak veya yogun bakim unitesinde calismak daha yuksek tukenmislik orani ile iliskili bulundu. Tukenmislik orani, yas, muayene edilen hasta sayisi ve calisma saatleri ile pozitif, yardimci saglik personeli veya norolog sayisi ile negatif korelasyon icindeydi. Sonuc: Bizim calismamiz, Turk eriskin noroloji uzmanlarindan olusan buyuk bir orneklemde yuksek tukenmislik oranini gosteren ilk calismadir. Erkek olmak, ileri yas, akademisyen, profesor veya bekar olmak, ebeveyn olmamak, tip fakultesi hastanesinde veya yogun bakim unitesinde calismak, dusuk maas, nobet tutmak, yuksek hasta sayisi veya calisma saati tukenmislikle iliskili gorunmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tukenmislik, noroloji, Turk, norolog
INTRODUCTION Burnout in medical doctors may worse affect personal mental health, patient care, and may decrease physical performance of the clinician. Burnout might lead physicians to tend depressive episode and [...]