
Demographic, clinical, and functional determinants of antithrombotic treatment in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
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Mostaza, Jose MaríaSuarez, CarmenCepeda, Jose MaríaManzano, LuisSánchez, DemetrioLora, Fernando Javier SánchezIbaéez Bermúdez, FranciscoJurado Porcel, Ana MaríaSalgado Ordoéez, FernandoRivera Civico, FranciscoDíez García, Luis FelipeJaén Ãguila, FernandoGeraldía Lama, ManuelPeral Gutiérrez-Ceballos, EnriqueDomínguez, AntoniaAstudillo Martín, FranciscoAguilar, EduardoFerrando Vela, JuanGarcía Aranda, AlfonsoSánchez Cembellín, MercedesLópez Caleya, Juan FranciscoRuiz, SixtoRodríguez Gaspar, MelchorConde Martel, AliciaHernández Hernández, José LuisAbascal Carrera, IsmaelPérez del Molino Castellanos, AlfonsoFernández Pérez, EstherMartínez Acitores, Juan CarlosCortes, Luis Miguel SeisdedosAbad Manteca, LauraBudiéo Sánchez, MarcoMoreno Palomares, José JavierCoca Prieto, InmaculadaMuéoz, Ana IsabelSánchez Castaéo, ÃngelRuiz Ribó, LolaMascaró, JordiMorcillo Serra, CésarAuguet Quintillá, TeresaMarimón, FranceszFernández Solá, JoaquínSuriéach, José MaríaMarchena, PabloRiera-Mestre, AntoniArmario, PedroGarcía Bragado, Ferrándel Molino, FátimaSacristán, OscarAlmagro, PereFalgà, ConxitaRodríguez, Francisco José MuéozRomero Requena, JorgeArévalo Lorido, José CarlosChiquero Palomo, Manuelade la Cruz, Ana IsabelPijerro, AgustínFernández Bouza, ElenaGonzález Soler, Juan JoséNúéez Fernández, Manuel JesúsDe La Fuente Aguado, JavierDíaz Peromingo, José AntonioFernández Martín, JuliánDaroca Pérez, RafaelCastiella Herrero, JesúsCarreéo, M. CruzGómez Cerezo, JorgePontes Navarro, José CarlosVarona Arche, José FelipeFerreiro López, DanielMuéoz Calvo, BenjamínCasado Cerrada, Jesús ManuelFidalgo Montero, María del PilarCasas Rojo, José ManuelHerreros, BenjamínCuevas Tascón, GuillermoMuiéo Miguez, AntonioMarrero Francés, JorgeOrtega, NicolasTrujillo, JavierSánchez Ãlvarez, JulioCatalán Ramos, Jose IgnacioFresco Benito, Francisco JavierAnuzita Alegría, AinhoaTeruel, CarlosArtero Mora, ArturoMoral, PedroSeguí Ripoll, José MiguelBonilla Rovira, FernandoMaestre Peiro, Ana
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. August 9, 2021, Vol. 21 Issue 1
Author(s): Jose María Mostaza[sup.1] , Carmen Suarez[sup.2] , Jose María Cepeda[sup.3] , Luis Manzano[sup.4] , Demetrio Sánchez[sup.5] , Fernando Javier Sánchez Lora[sup.6] , Francisco Ibaéez Bermúdez[sup.7] , Ana María Jurado [...]
Background This study assessed the sociodemographic, functional, and clinical determinants of antithrombotic treatment in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) attended in the internal medicine setting. Methods A multicenter, cross-sectional study was conducted in NVAF patients who attended internal medicine departments for either a routine visit (outpatients) or hospitalization (inpatients). Results A total of 961 patients were evaluated. Their antithrombotic management included: no treatment (4.7%), vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) (59.6%), direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) (21.6%), antiplatelets (6.6%), and antiplatelets plus anticoagulants (7.5%). Permanent NVAF and congestive heart failure were associated with preferential use of oral anticoagulation over antiplatelets, while intermediate-to high-mortality risk according to the PROFUND index was associated with a higher likelihood of using antiplatelet therapy instead of oral anticoagulation. Longer disease duration and institutionalization were identified as determinants of VKA use over DOACs. Female gender, higher education, and having suffered a stroke determined a preferential use of DOACs. Conclusions This real-world study showed that most elderly NVAF patients received oral anticoagulation, mainly VKAs, while DOACs remained underused. Antiplatelets were still offered to a proportion of patients. Longer duration of NVAF and institutionalization were identified as determinants of VKA use over DOACs. A poor prognosis according to the PROFUND index was identified as a factor preventing the use of oral anticoagulation. Keywords: Antithrombotic treatment, Direct-acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs), Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs)