
Structural, spectroscopic and magnetic characterization of aquabis(crotonato)bis(imidazole)copper(ii)
Document Type
Author abstract
Polyhedron. June, 1996, Vol. 15 Issue 19, p3271, 6 p.
Plant growth inhibiting substances
Copper compounds
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0277-5387(96)00033-2 Byline: Emilio Escriva, Mercedes sanau, Jose-vicente Folgado, Julia Garcia-lozano Abstract: The X-ray crystal structure of [Cu(crot).sub.2(im).sub.2(H.sub.2O)] (crot = 2-butenoate(crotonate) anion ; im = imidazole) has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The compound is built of neutral [Cu(crot).sub.2(im).sub.2(H.sub.2O)] entities linked through hydrogen bonds involving water molecules and carboxylate groups to give a chain structure running along the b axis. The copper atom is involved in a CuN.sub.2O.sub.2O.sup.' chromophore and lies in a distorted square-pyramidal environment. Both electronic and EPR spectra are indicative of an essentially d.sub.x.sup.2-y.sup.2 ground state for the copper(II) ions. No exchange coupling has been detected down to 4.2 K by means of magnetic susceptibility measurements. This feature is discussed on the basis of the relative orientation of the coordination polyhedron around the metal atom and the bridging network. Copyright A[c] 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd Author Affiliation: Departament de Qufmica Inorganica, Universitat de Valencia, c/Andres Estelles s/n, 46100 Burjassot, Spain Article History: Received 21 November 1995; Accepted 9 January 1996