
Tissue-Engineering von respiratorischem Epithel; Regenerative Medizin fur die rekonstruktive Chirurgie der oberen Atemwege
Document Type
Author abstract
HNO. March, 2008, Vol. 56 Issue 3, p275, 6 p.
Reconstruction of long tracheal defects remains an unsolved surgical problem. Tissue engineering of respiratory epithelium is therefore of utmost surgical and scientific interest. Successful cultivation and reproduction of respiratory epithelium in vitro is crucial to seed scaffolds of various biomaterials with functionally active respiratory mucosa. Most frequently, the suspension culture as well as the tissue or explant cultures are used. Collagenous matrices, synthetic and biodegradable polymers, serve as carriers in studies. It is essential for clinical practice that mechanically stable biomaterials be developed that are resorbable in the long term or that cartilaginous constructs produced in vitro be employed which are seeded with respiratory epithelium before implantation. Vascularization of a bioartificial matrix for tracheal substitution is also prerequisite for integration of the constructs produced in vitro into the recipient organism. Here, the state of the art of research, perspectives and limitations of tracheal tissue engineering are reviewed.