
Merkel Cell Carcinoma/Merkel Hucreli Karsinom
Case Report
Document Type
Clinical report
Bezmialem Science. January 2023, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p128, 4 p.
Introduction Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive primary neuroendocrine cutaneous tumor that arises from mechanoreceptor Merkel cells (1). Although MCC is a rare tumor, incidence of MCC has tended [...]
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare tumor that arises from mechanoreceptor Merkel cells. Ultraviolet exposure, immunosuppression and Merkel cell polyoma virus play a significant role in tumor pathogenesis. Although it typically presents as an initially indolent growing, painless solitary lesion, the course of MCC may be aggressive due to the nodal invasion, distant metastasis and high recurrence rates. We presented a case of MCC with a background history of rheumatoid arthritis treated with immunosuppressive therapy for many years who had necrotizing granulomatous lymphadenitis. Keywords: Merkel cell carcinoma, immunosuppression, therapy Merkel hucreli karsinom (MKK), mekanoreseptor Merkel hucrelerinden kaynaklanan nadir bir tumordur. Ultraviyole maruziyeti, immunosupresyon ve Merkel hucreli polyoma virusu, tumor patogenezinde onemli bir rol oynamaktadir. Tipik olarak baslangicta yavas buyuyen, agrisiz soliter bir lezyon olarak ortaya cikmasina ragmen, MKK'nin seyri nodal invazyon, uzak metastaz ve yuksek nuks oranlari nedeniyle agresif olabilir. Gecmisinde romatoid artrit oykusu bulunan, uzun yillardir immunosupresif tedavi goren ve nekrotizan granulomatoz lenfadeniti olan bir MKK olgusunu sunuyoruz. Anahtar Sozcukler: Merkel hucreli karsinom, immunosupresyon, tedavi