
Human Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Children with Acute Bronchiolitis/Akut Bronsiolitli Cocuklarda Human Paraoksonaz-1 Aktivitesi
Document Type
The Journal of Current Pediatrics. December 2020, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p336, 10 p.
INTRODUCTION Acute bronchiolitis is one of the most common infections in infants [1]. It is characterized by extensive inflammation of the airways, necrosis of small airway epithelial cells, increased mucus [...]
INTRODUCTION: Human paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is one of the endogenous antioxidant molecules working against oxidative stress. We aimed to investigate serum PON1 activity in children with acute bronchiolitis. MATERIALS and METHODS: A total of 29 children aged between 3-21 months with acute bronchiolitis and 35 age-matched healthy controls were included in the study. Bronchiolitis patients were further classified as mild (65%) and moderate (35%). Paraoxonase and arylesterase activities of PON1 were compared between patients with acute bronchiolitis and the control group. RESULTS: Paraoxonase activity of children with acute bronchiolitis was lower than healthy controls but the difference was not significant (127.53 [+ or -] 64.17 U/L versus 153.95 [+ or -] 74.40 U/L) (p=0.13). Arylesterase activity was significantly decreased in children with mild and moderate bronchiolitis in comparison to the control group (142.43 [+ or -] 56.60 kU/L and 103.70 [+ or -] 26.03 kU/L versus 201.09 [+ or -] 57.26 kU/L) (p CONCLUSIONS: Serum PON1 activity was lower in children with acute bronchiolitis compared to controls. Increasing antioxidant capacity may be an effective means of therapy in viral induced lung disease. Key words: paraoxonase, arylesterase, oxidative stress, bronchiolitis, child GIRIS ve AMAC: Human paraoksonaz-1 (PON1), oksidatif strese karsi calisan endojen antioksidan molekullerden biridir. Bu calismada akut bronsiolitli cocuklarda serum PON1 aktivitesini arastirmayi amacladik. YONTEM ve GERECLER: Akut bronsiyolitli 3-21 aylik 29 cocuk ile yas uyumlu 35 saglikli kontrol calismaya dahil edildi. Bronsiolit hastalari hafif (% 65) ve orta (% 35) olarak siniflandirildi. Akut bronsiolitli hastalar ile kontrol grubu arasinda PON1'in paraoksonaz ve arilesteraz aktiviteleri karsilastirildi. BULGULAR: Akut bronsiyolitli cocuklarin paraoksonaz aktivitesi saglikli kontrollere gore daha dusuktu, ancak fark anlamli degildi (127.53 [+ or -] 64.17 U / L'ye karsi 153.95 [+ or -] 74.40 U / L) (p = 0.13). Hafif ve orta derecede bronsiyolitli cocuklarda arilesteraz aktivitesi kontrol grubuna gore anlamli olarak daha azdi (142.43 [+ or -] 56.60 kU / L ve 103.05 [+ or -] 26.03 kU / L'ye karsilik 201.09 [+ or -] 57.26 kU / L) (p TARTISMA ve SONUC: Akut bronsiolitli cocuklarda serum PON1 aktivitesi kontrol grubuna gore daha dusuktu. Antioksidan kapasitenin arttirilmasi, viral kaynakli akciger hastaliginda etkili bir tedavi araci olabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: paraoksonaz, arilesteraz, oksidatif stres, bronsiolit, cocuk