
Evaluation of endometrial receptivity in recurrent pregnancy loss and recurrent implantation failure/Tekrarlayan gebelik kaybi ve tekrarlayan implantasyon basarisizliginda endometrial reseptivitenin degerlendirilmesi
Clinical Investigation / Arastirma
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. March 2024, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p22, 6 p.
Integrins -- Analysis
Pregnant women -- Analysis
Introduction The human endometrium undergoes dynamic changes during the secretory and proliferative phases of the menstrual cycle, ultimately becoming receptive to embryo implantation within a brief timeframe referred to as [...]
Objective: The cause of implantation defects in patients with recurrent implantation failure (RIF) and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) has not been clearly established. We aimed to evaluate the immunohistochemical changes in HOXA-11, [beta]1 integrin, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), cluster of differentiation 44 (CD44), and extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) molecules during the receptive endometrial period in patients with RIF and RPL. Materials and Methods: This study was retrospectively conducted at a university hospital. After the exclusion of cases with pathology that may cause a change in the level of receptors in the endometrium, biopsies performed during the receptive period were selected, and the patients were categorized into RPL (n=15), RIF (n=16), control (n=16) groups. All preparations were immunohistochemically stained for HOXA-11, [beta]1 integrin, FAK, CD44, and ECM1. Results: HOXA-11 and [beta]1 Integrin expression changes were similar between the RIF and control groups. However, FAK expression was significantly increased in the RIF group (p Conclusion: Implantation is a complex process, and altered adhesion mechanisms involved in endometrial receptivity may be related to defective implantation in patients with RIF and RPL. Among the adhesion molecules, the expression of CD44, [beta]1 integrin, FAK, and ECM1 molecules varies in inappropriate implantation compared with the normal population. Keywords: Adhesion molecules, implantation, endometrial receptivity, recurrent implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss Amac: Tekrarlayan implantasyon basarisizligi (RIF) ve tekrarlayan gebelik kaybi (RPL) olan hastalarda implantasyon basarisizliginin nedeni net olarak belirlenememistir. Bu calismada, RIF ve RPL hastalarinda, endometriumun reseptif doneminde, HOXA-11, [beta]1 integrin, fokal adezyon kinaz (FAK), farklilasma kumesi 44 (CD44) ve ekstraseluler matris proteini 1 (ECM1) molekullerinin immunohistokimyasal degisikliklerini degerlendirmeyi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontemler: Bu calisma bir universite hastanesinde retrospektif olarak yapildi. Endometriumda, reseptor seviyesinde degisiklige neden olabilecek patolojisi olan olgular dislandiktan sonra, endometriumun reseptif doneminde yapilan biyopsiler secildi. Hastalar RPL (n=15), RIF (n=16), ve kontrol (n=16) gruplari olarak 3 gruba ayrildi. Tum preparatlar HOXA-11, [beta]1 integrin, FAK, CD44 ve ECM1 icin immunohistokimyasal olarak boyandi. Boyanma ozellikleri degerlendirildi. Bulgular: HOXA-11 ve [beta]1 integrin ekspresyon degisiklikleri, RIF ve kontrol gruplari arasinda benzerdi. Ancak RIF grubunda FAK ekspresyonu anlamli duzeyde artmisti (p RPL oykusu olan hastalarda HOXA-11, FAK ve ECM1'in endometriyal boyanmasinda anlamli fark yoktu. Ancak RPL grubunda [beta]1 integrin ve CD44 duzeylerinin kontrol grubuna gore anlamli duzeyde dusuk oldugu belirlendi (p Sonuc: Implantasyon karmasik bir surectir ve endometrial reseptivitede rol oynayan adezyon mekanizmalarindaki degisimler, RIF ve RPL'li hastalarda defektif implantasyonla iliskili olabilir. Adezyon molekulleri arasinda CD44, [beta]1 integrin, FAK ve ECM1 molekullerinin ekspresyonu, defektif implantasyon durumunda, normal populasyona gore degiskenlik gosterir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Adezyon molekulleri, implantasyon, endometrial reseptivite, tekrarlayan implantasyon basarisizligi, tekrarlayan gebelik kaybi